Creating a word cloud data for web static exporter.

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ruidajo 2022-06-09 11:53:27 -05:00
parent dc446f2026
commit 0577beb724
1 changed files with 17 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
| stopwords stopwordsCapitalized occurrencesWords wordAndValue |
stopwords := (TweetsCollection dataStore / 'commons' / 'stopwords-es.txt') contents splitOn: Character lf.
stopwordsCapitalized := stopwords collect: [:each | each first asString asUppercase, each allButFirst asLowercase ].
occurrencesWords := ((((self writeWordsFile contents) splitOn: ' ') asBag asDictionary)
associations asSortedCollection: [:x :y | x value > y value]) asOrderedDictionary.
occurrencesWords removeKeys: stopwords.
occurrencesWords removeKeys: stopwordsCapitalized.
occurrencesWords removeKey: ''.
wordAndValue := OrderedCollection new.
occurrencesWords keysAndValuesDo: [ :k :v |
wordAndValue add: ('{name:', ($' asString), k, ($' asString), ',value:', v asString, '}')
^ {'[', ((',' join: wordAndValue) copyWithout: Character lf), ']'.