diff --git a/Socialmetrica.package/NitterUser.class/instance/getLocalMessages.st b/Socialmetrica.package/NitterUser.class/instance/getLocalMessages.st index 22f1e8d..cceab00 100644 --- a/Socialmetrica.package/NitterUser.class/instance/getLocalMessages.st +++ b/Socialmetrica.package/NitterUser.class/instance/getLocalMessages.st @@ -1,4 +1,12 @@ accessing getLocalMessages "TO DO! This method should return messages from the local database" - ^ nil \ No newline at end of file + | allTweets myTweets | + + allTweets := Tweet storedInstances asOrderedCollection. + allTweets ifNil: [ ^ nil ]. + myTweets := TweetsCollection new. + myTweets tweets: (allTweets select: [ :each | each timelines isNotEmpty and: [each timelines keys first = self userName] ] ). + self tweets: myTweets. + ^ self tweets + \ No newline at end of file