" Please comment me using the following template inspired by Class Responsibility Collaborator (CRC) design: For the Class part: State a one line summary. For example, ""I represent a paragraph of text"". I represent a wrapper for the is.gd ethical shortener that doesn't track its users and is carbon neutral (see https://is.gd/ethics.php for more details). I use the public API as described in https://is.gd/apishorteningreference.php#restrict. " Class { #name : #Shortener, #superclass : #Object, #category : #Shortener } { #category : #'as yet unclassified' } Shortener class >> enlarge: url [ "Given a shortened url in is.gd (or v.gd), I return the original url." ^ (ZnEasy get: 'https://is.gd/forward.php?format=simple&shorturl=', url) contents ] { #category : #'accessing structure variables' } Shortener class >> shorten: url [ "I return the shortened url string as returned by https//is.gd ." ^ (ZnEasy get: 'https://is.gd/create.php?format=simple&url=', url) contents ]