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I can recognize basic structure block in ruby code (almost precisely).
I use indentation to determine the scope of the block. I use island to skip the rest.
The following structures are recognized:
- modules
- classes
- methods
Class {
#name : 'PPRubySeaGrammar',
#superclass : 'PPCompositeParser',
#instVars : [
#category : 'PetitIslands-Examples'
{ #category : 'indentation' }
PPRubySeaGrammar >> aligns [
^ [:context |
(context column == (context indentStack topIfEmpty: -1)) ifTrue: [
] ifFalse: [
PPFailure message: 'no alignment' at: context position
] asParser
"JK: this is a hack, it improves the speed of compiled parser"
propertyAt: #changesContext put: false;
{ #category : 'grammar' }
PPRubySeaGrammar >> body [
^ ((((primaryElement) sea: water) ==> #second) plus)
==> [ :args | args select: [ :e | e isEmpty not ]]
((nil asParser sea: water) ==> [ :args | #() ])
{ #category : 'grammar - class' }
PPRubySeaGrammar >> classDef [
"Indentation Sensitive Class Definition"
^ kClassIS,
cpath trim,
superclass optional,
map: [ :cl :cp :sup :content :end |
| retval |
retval := OrderedCollection new.
content do: [ :m |
retval addAll: (m collect: [:e | '::', cp, e ]).
{ #category : 'whitespaces' }
PPRubySeaGrammar >> comment [
^ $# asParser trimBlanks, (nl negate star), nl
{ #category : 'grammar' }
PPRubySeaGrammar >> cpath [
^ ('::' asParser optional , identifier, (('::' asParser , identifier) star)) flatten
{ #category : 'grammar - method' }
PPRubySeaGrammar >> defEndIS [
"End of Indentation Sensitive Feature"
^ kEnd optional, restoreIl
{ #category : 'grammar' }
PPRubySeaGrammar >> eigenDef [
^ kClassIS , '<<' asParser trim , (identifier / kSelf) ,
map: [ :class :tmp :ref :content :end |
| retval |
retval := OrderedCollection new.
content do: [ :m |
retval addAll: (m collect: [:e | '.', ref, e ]).
{ #category : 'whitespaces' }
PPRubySeaGrammar >> eof [
^ #eof asParser
{ #category : 'whitespaces' }
PPRubySeaGrammar >> eol [
^ nl / eof
{ #category : 'grammar' }
PPRubySeaGrammar >> fname [
^ (operator /
'..' asParser / '|' asParser / 'ˆ' asParser / '&' asParser
/ '<=>' asParser / '==' asParser /
'===' asParser / '=~' asParser / '>'asParser / '>='asParser / '<' asParser /
'<=' asParser / '+' asParser / '-' asParser /
'*' asParser / '/' asParser / '%' asParser / '**' asParser / '<<' asParser /
'>>' asParser / '~' asParser / '+@' asParser /
'-@' asParser / '[]' asParser / '[]=' asParser)
{ #category : 'grammar' }
PPRubySeaGrammar >> identifier [
^ (#letter asParser / $_ asParser, word star) flatten
{ #category : 'keywords' }
PPRubySeaGrammar >> kClassIS [
^ (($. asParser / word) previous not, setIl, 'class' asParser , ($. asParser / word) not) ==> #third
{ #category : 'keywords' }
PPRubySeaGrammar >> kDefIS [
^ (word previous not, setIl, 'def' asParser , word not) ==> #third
{ #category : 'keywords' }
PPRubySeaGrammar >> kEnd [
^ (word previous not, 'end' asParser , word not) ==> #second
{ #category : 'keywords' }
PPRubySeaGrammar >> kEndIS [
"End of Indentation Sensitive Feature"
^ aligns, kEnd, restoreIl
{ #category : 'keywords' }
PPRubySeaGrammar >> kModuleIS [
^ (word previous not, setIl, 'module' asParser , word not) trim ==> #third
{ #category : 'keywords' }
PPRubySeaGrammar >> kSelf [
^ (($. asParser / word) previous not, 'self' asParser , ($. asParser / word) not) trim ==> #second
{ #category : 'whitespaces' }
PPRubySeaGrammar >> line [
^ (sol, nl negate star, eol) nonEmpty
{ #category : 'grammar - method' }
PPRubySeaGrammar >> methodDef [
^ kDefIS,
('self.' asParser / (identifier, $. asParser)) flatten trim optional ,
fname trim,
map: [ :def :static :name :content :end |
| mName retval |
mName := static isNil ifTrue: [ '.', name ]
ifFalse: [ '.', static, name ].
retval := OrderedCollection new.
content do: [ :e | retval addAll: (e collect: [ :e2 | mName, e2 ]) ].
retval add: mName.
{ #category : 'grammar' }
PPRubySeaGrammar >> moduleDef [
"Indentation Sensitive Class Definition"
^ kModuleIS,
cpath trim,
map: [ :module :cp :prim :end |
| retval |
retval := OrderedCollection new.
prim do: [ :m |
retval addAll: (m collect: [:e | '::', cp, e ]).
{ #category : 'whitespaces' }
PPRubySeaGrammar >> nl [
^ #newline asParser
{ #category : 'indentation' }
PPRubySeaGrammar >> onside [
^ [:context |
(context column >= (context indentStack topIfEmpty: -1)) ifTrue: [
] ifFalse: [
PPFailure message: 'offside position, not onside :(' at: context position
] asParser
"JK: this is a hack, it improves the speed of compiled parser"
propertyAt: #changesContext put: false;
{ #category : 'whitespaces' }
PPRubySeaGrammar >> onsideLine [
^ onside, #letter asParser, nl asParser negate star, eol
{ #category : 'grammar' }
PPRubySeaGrammar >> operator [
^ (identifier , ($? asParser / $! asParser / $= asParser) optional) flatten
{ #category : 'grammar' }
PPRubySeaGrammar >> primary [
^ ((((primaryElement) sea: water) ==> #second) plus)
==> [ :args | args select: [ :e | e isEmpty not ]]
((nil asParser sea: water) ==> [ :args | #() ])
{ #category : 'grammar' }
PPRubySeaGrammar >> primaryElement [
^ onside,
(classDef /
moduleDef /
eigenDef /
==> #second
{ #category : 'grammar' }
PPRubySeaGrammar >> program [
^ primary ==> [ :res |
res flatten
{ #category : 'indentation' }
PPRubySeaGrammar >> restoreIl [
^ [ :context | context indentStack pop ] asParser
"JK: this is a hack, it improves the speed of compiled parser"
propertyAt: #indentPop put: true;
{ #category : 'indentation' }
PPRubySeaGrammar >> setIl [
^ [:context |
| level |
level := context column.
context indentStack push: level.
] asParser
"JK: this is a hack, it improves the speed of compiled parser"
propertyAt: #indentPush put: true;
{ #category : 'whitespaces' }
PPRubySeaGrammar >> sol [
^ #startOfLine asParser
{ #category : 'accessing' }
PPRubySeaGrammar >> start [
^ program
{ #category : 'grammar' }
PPRubySeaGrammar >> string [
| doubleQuotes singleQuotes slash doubleString singleString regexp |
doubleQuotes := $" asParser.
singleQuotes := $' asParser.
slash := $/ asParser.
doubleString := (doubleQuotes ,
(($\ asParser , doubleQuotes) / #any asParser starLazy: doubleQuotes) ,
doubleQuotes) flatten.
singleString := (singleQuotes ,
(($\ asParser , singleQuotes) / #any asParser starLazy: singleQuotes) ,
singleQuotes) flatten.
regexp := (slash ,
(('\\' asParser) / ($\ asParser , slash) / #any asParser starLazy: slash) ,
slash) flatten.
^ (doubleString / singleString / regexp) ==> [ :nodes | #() ]
{ #category : 'grammar' }
PPRubySeaGrammar >> superclass [
^ (($< asParser trim , cpath) ==> #second)
{ #category : 'whitespaces' }
PPRubySeaGrammar >> water [
^ (#space asParser plus) / onsideLine / comment "/ string / line" / identifier / #any asParser
{ #category : 'grammar' }
PPRubySeaGrammar >> word [
^ #word asParser / $_ asParser