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A parser that accepts if a given predicate on an arbitrary number of elements of the input sequence holds.
Instance Variables:
size <Integer> The number of elements to consume.
Class {
#name : 'PPPredicateSequenceParser',
#superclass : 'PPPredicateParser',
#instVars : [
#category : 'PetitParser-Parsers'
{ #category : 'instance creation' }
PPPredicateSequenceParser class >> on: aBlock message: aString negated: aNegatedBlock message: aNegatedString size: anInteger [
^ self new initializeOn: aBlock message: aString negated: aNegatedBlock message: aNegatedString size: anInteger
{ #category : 'instance creation' }
PPPredicateSequenceParser class >> on: aBlock message: aString size: anInteger [
^ self on: aBlock message: aString negated: [ :each | (aBlock value: each) not ] message: 'no ' , aString size: anInteger
{ #category : 'initialization' }
PPPredicateSequenceParser >> initializeOn: aBlock message: aString negated: aNegatedBlock message: aNegatedString size: anInteger [
predicate := aBlock.
predicateMessage := aString.
negated := aNegatedBlock.
negatedMessage := aNegatedString.
size := anInteger
{ #category : 'operators' }
PPPredicateSequenceParser >> negate [
"Answer a parser that is the negation of the receiving predicate parser."
^ self class
on: negated message: negatedMessage
negated: predicate message: predicateMessage
size: size
{ #category : 'parsing' }
PPPredicateSequenceParser >> parseOn: aPPContext [
| memento result |
memento := aPPContext remember.
result := aPPContext stream next: size.
(result size = size and: [ predicate value: result ])
ifTrue: [ ^ result ].
aPPContext restore: memento.
^ PPFailure message: predicateMessage context: aPPContext
{ #category : 'accessing' }
PPPredicateSequenceParser >> size [
"Answer the sequence size of the receiver."
^ size