" I do literally nothing, just visiting :) Be carefull, I do not keep the close set, only open set, so that it might take time for me to go through all the possible paths in a graph. " Class { #name : 'PPCNilVisitor', #superclass : 'PPCNodeVisitor', #instVars : [ 'visitCount' ], #category : 'PetitCompiler-Visitors' } { #category : 'as yet unclassified' } PPCNilVisitor >> afterAccept: node retval: retval [ "do not cache the result" ^ retval ] { #category : 'as yet unclassified' } PPCNilVisitor >> initialize [ super initialize. visitCount := 0. ] { #category : 'accessing' } PPCNilVisitor >> visitCount [ ^ visitCount ] { #category : 'accessing' } PPCNilVisitor >> visitCount: anObject [ visitCount := anObject ] { #category : 'as yet unclassified' } PPCNilVisitor >> visitNode: node [ visitCount := visitCount + 1. ^ super visitNode: node ]