" An abstract parser that accepts if a given predicate holds. Instance Variables: predicate The block testing for the predicate. predicateMessage The error message of the predicate. negated The block testing for the negation of the predicate. negatedMessage The error message of the negated predicate. " Class { #name : 'PPPredicateParser', #superclass : 'PPParser', #instVars : [ 'predicate', 'predicateMessage', 'negated', 'negatedMessage' ], #category : 'PetitParser-Parsers' } { #category : 'accessing' } PPPredicateParser >> block [ "Answer the predicate block of the receiver." ^ predicate ] { #category : 'accessing' } PPPredicateParser >> message [ "Answer the failure message." ^ predicateMessage ] { #category : 'printing' } PPPredicateParser >> printNameOn: aStream [ super printNameOn: aStream. aStream nextPutAll: ', '; print: predicateMessage ]