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Extension { #name : 'PPParser' }
{ #category : '*petitcompiler' }
PPParser >> allNodesDo: aBlock seen: aSet [
"Iterate over all the parse nodes of the receiver, do not visit and follow the ones contained in aSet."
(aSet includes: self) ifTrue: [ ^ self ].
aSet add: self.
aBlock value: self.
self children do: [ :each |
each allNodesDo: aBlock seen: aSet
{ #category : '*petitcompiler' }
PPParser >> asCompilerNode [
^ PPCUnknownNode new
parser: self;
name: self name;
properties: self properties copy;
{ #category : '*petitcompiler' }
PPParser >> asCompilerTree [
^ self transform: [ :p | p asCompilerNode ]
{ #category : '*petitcompiler' }
PPParser >> bridge [
^ self
{ #category : '*petitcompiler' }
PPParser >> changesContext [
by default true.
When overriding be carefull to give the priority to the property value
^ self propertyAt: #changesContext ifAbsentPut: [
{ #category : '*petitcompiler' }
PPParser >> changesContext: value [
self propertyAt: #changesContext put: value.
^ self
{ #category : '*petitcompiler' }
PPParser >> changesContextOpenSet: ctxEnv [
self changesContextSet ifTrue: [ ^ self changesContext ].
(ctxEnv changes includes: self) ifTrue: [ ^ self changesContext: false ].
ctxEnv changes add: self.
^ self changesContext
{ #category : '*petitcompiler' }
PPParser >> changesContextSet [
^ self hasProperty: #changesContext
{ #category : '*petitcompiler' }
PPParser >> compile [
^ self compileWithOptions: PPCCompilationOptions new
"Modified: / 07-09-2015 / 10:54:54 / Jan Vrany <>"
{ #category : '*petitcompiler' }
PPParser >> compileTokenizing [
| options |
options := PPCCompilationOptions new
tokenize: true;
^ self compileWithOptions: options
{ #category : '*petitcompiler' }
PPParser >> compileWithOptions: options [
"Compile receiver with given options. Return
an *instance* of the compiler parser which is
ready to use (repeatedly).
`options` may be either an instance of PPCCompilationOptions
or an array specifying options like #( tokenizing: true debug: false )
| compiler |
compiler := PPCCompiler new.
compiler options: options.
^compiler compile: self
"Created: / 07-09-2015 / 10:52:27 / Jan Vrany <>"
{ #category : '*petitcompiler' }
PPParser >> firstSetSuchThat: block into: aCollection openSet: aSet [
(aSet includes: self) ifTrue: [ ^ aCollection ].
aSet add: self.
(block value: self) ifTrue: [aCollection add: self. ^ aCollection ].
self children do: [ :child |
child firstSetSuchThat: block into: aCollection openSet: aSet
^ aCollection
{ #category : '*petitcompiler' }
PPParser >> id [
self name ifNotNil: [ ^ self name ].
^ self hash asString
{ #category : '*petitcompiler' }
PPParser >> indentPop: value [
self propertyAt: #indentPop put: value.
^ self
{ #category : '*petitcompiler' }
PPParser >> indentPush: value [
self propertyAt: #indentPush put: value.
^ self
{ #category : '*petitcompiler' }
PPParser >> isCompiled [
^ false
{ #category : '*petitcompiler' }
PPParser >> isContextFree [
^ self propertyAt: #isContextFree ifAbsentPut:
[ self allParsers allSatisfy: [ :p | p isContextFreePrim ] ].
{ #category : '*petitcompiler' }
PPParser >> isContextFreePrim [
^ true
{ #category : '*petitcompiler' }
PPParser >> isContextSensitive [
^ self isContextFree not
{ #category : '*petitcompiler' }
PPParser >> isToken [
^ false
{ #category : '*petitcompiler' }
PPParser >> isTokenParser [
^ false
{ #category : '*petitcompiler' }
PPParser >> javaToken [
| ws |
ws := PPJavaWhitespaceParser new.
^ ((ws, ((PPTokenParser on: self) tokenClass: PPJavaToken; yourself), ws) ==> #second)
propertyAt: #'trimmingToken' put: true;
{ #category : '*petitcompiler' }
PPParser >> optimize [
^ self copy
{ #category : '*petitcompiler' }
PPParser >> optimized [
^ self copy
{ #category : '*petitcompiler' }
PPParser >> properties: whatever [
properties := whatever
{ #category : '*petitcompiler' }
PPParser >> trimmingToken [
| ws |
ws := #space asParser star.
^ ((ws, (PPTokenParser on: self), ws) ==> #second)
propertyAt: #trimmingToken put: true;