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Class {
#name : 'PPJavaSeaParserTest',
#superclass : 'PPCompositeParserTest',
#category : 'PetitIslands-Examples'
{ #category : 'as yet unclassified' }
PPJavaSeaParserTest class >> classJavaLangClass [
^ self new classJavaLangClass
{ #category : 'as yet unclassified' }
PPJavaSeaParserTest class >> classJavaLangObject [
^ self new classJavaLangObject
{ #category : 'src' }
PPJavaSeaParserTest >> file1 [
'package org.test;
import java.util.*;
public class Foo
// I am only empty class
{ #category : 'src' }
PPJavaSeaParserTest >> file2 [
public class Foo
public void methodA() {}
public Bar methodB(Some argument, and another) {}
{ #category : 'src' }
PPJavaSeaParserTest >> file3 [
'package org.test;
import java.util.*;
public class Foo<Bar> extends Zorg
// some comment
public void methodA() {
private InnerClass {}
public Bar methodB(Some argument, and another)
return new Bar();
{ #category : 'src' }
PPJavaSeaParserTest >> file4 [
'package java.lang;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
* Instances of the class {@code Class} represent classes and
* interfaces in a running Java application.
* <p> The following example uses a {@code Class} object to print the
* class name of an object:
* <p> <blockquote><pre>
* void printClassName(Object obj) {
* System.out.println("The class of " + obj +
* " is " + obj.getClass().getName());
* }
* </pre></blockquote>
* <p> It is also possible to get the {@code Class} object for a named
* type (or for void) using a class literal
* (JLS Section <A HREF="">15.8.2</A>).
* For example:
* <p> <blockquote>
* {@code System.out.println("The name of class Foo is: "+Foo.class.getName());}
* </blockquote>
* @param <T> the type of the class modeled by this {@code Class}
* object. For example, the type of {@code String.class} is {@code
* Class<String>}. Use {@code Class<?>} if the class being modeled is
* unknown.
* @author unascribed
* @see java.lang.ClassLoader#defineClass(byte[], int, int)
* @since JDK1.0
public final
class Class<T> implements,
java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedElement {
private static final int ANNOTATION= 0x00002000;
private static final int ENUM = 0x00004000;
private static final int SYNTHETIC = 0x00001000;
private static native void registerNatives();
static {
* Constructor. Only the Java Virtual Machine creates Class
* objects.
private Class() {}
* Converts the object to a string. The string representation is the
* string "class" or "interface", followed by a space, and then by the
* fully qualified name of the class in the format returned by
* {@code getName}. If this {@code Class} object represents a
* primitive type, this method returns the name of the primitive type. If
* this {@code Class} object represents void this method returns
* "void".
* @return a string representation of this class object.
public String toString() {
return (isInterface() ? "interface " : (isPrimitive() ? "" : "class "))
+ getName();
{ #category : 'src' }
PPJavaSeaParserTest >> file5 [
'package java.lang;
import java.lang.reflect.Array;
* This is a class that has a comment!
* public class Bar { public void bar() { } } }
* @author unascribed
* @since JDK1.0
public final class Foo implements {
* Constructor. Only the Java Virtual Machine creates Class
* objects.
private Foo() {}
* Converts the object to a string. The string representation is the
* string "class" or "interface", followed by a space, and then by the
* fully qualified name of the class in the format returned by
* {@code getName}. If this {@code Class} object represents a
* primitive type, this method returns the name of the primitive type. If
* this {@code Class} object represents void this method returns
* "void".
* @return a string representation of this class object.
public String toString() {
return (isInterface() ? "interface " : (isPrimitive() ? "" : "class "))
+ getName();
{ #category : 'src' }
PPJavaSeaParserTest >> file7 [
package java.lang;
import sun.reflect.annotation.*;
* @author unascribed
* @see java.lang.ClassLoader#defineClass(byte[], int, int)
* @since JDK1.0
public final
class Class<T> implements,
java.lang.reflect.AnnotatedElement {
private static native void registerNatives();
static {
* Constructor. Only the Java Virtual Machine creates Class
* objects.
private Class() { }
public String toString() {
return (isInterface() ? "interface " : (isPrimitive() ? "" : "class "))
+ getName();
AnnotationType getAnnotationType() {
return annotationType;
{ #category : 'accessing' }
PPJavaSeaParserTest >> parserClass [
^ PPJavaSeaParser
{ #category : 'tests' }
PPJavaSeaParserTest >> test1 [
self parse: self file1.
self assert: result simpleName = 'Foo'.
self assert: result methodDeclarations size = 0.
{ #category : 'tests' }
PPJavaSeaParserTest >> test2 [
self parse: self file2.
self assert: result simpleName = 'Foo'.
self assert: result methodDeclarations size = 2.
self assert: result methodDeclarations first simpleName = 'methodA'.
self assert: result methodDeclarations second simpleName = 'methodB'.
{ #category : 'tests' }
PPJavaSeaParserTest >> test3 [
self parse: self file3.
self assert: result simpleName = 'Foo'.
self assert: result methodDeclarations size = 2.
self assert: result methodDeclarations first simpleName = 'methodA'.
self assert: result methodDeclarations second simpleName = 'methodB'.
{ #category : 'tests' }
PPJavaSeaParserTest >> test4 [
self parse: self file4.
self assert: result simpleName = 'Class'.
self assert: result methodDeclarations size = 2.
self assert: (result methodDeclarations anySatisfy: [ :e | e simpleName = 'registerNatives' ]).
self assert: (result methodDeclarations anySatisfy: [ :e | e simpleName = 'toString' ]).
{ #category : 'tests' }
PPJavaSeaParserTest >> test5 [
self parse: self file5.
self assert: result simpleName = 'Foo'.
self assert: result methodDeclarations size = 1.
"self assert: result second first = 'Foo'."
self assert: result methodDeclarations first simpleName = 'toString'.
{ #category : 'tests' }
PPJavaSeaParserTest >> test7 [
self parse: self file7.
self assert: result simpleName = 'Class'.
self assert: result methodDeclarations size = 3.
self assert: (result methodDeclarations anySatisfy: [ :e | e simpleName = 'toString' ]).
self assert: (result methodDeclarations anySatisfy: [ :e | e simpleName = 'getAnnotationType' ]).
self assert: (result methodDeclarations anySatisfy: [ :e | e simpleName = 'registerNatives' ]).
{ #category : 'tests' }
PPJavaSeaParserTest >> testBlock [
self parse: '{}' rule: #block.
{ #category : 'tests' }
PPJavaSeaParserTest >> testBlock2 [
self parse: '{ }' rule: #block.
{ #category : 'tests' }
PPJavaSeaParserTest >> testBlock3 [
self parse: '{ {} }' rule: #block.
{ #category : 'tests' }
PPJavaSeaParserTest >> testClass1 [
self parse: 'private final class Foo
// I am only empty class
rule: #javaClass.
self assert: result simpleName = 'Foo'.
self assert: result methodDeclarations size = 0.
{ #category : 'tests' }
PPJavaSeaParserTest >> testClass2 [
self parse: 'public class Foo<Bar> extends Zorg implements Qwark, Bark
// I am only empty class
rule: #javaClass.
self assert: result simpleName = 'Foo'.
{ #category : 'tests' }
PPJavaSeaParserTest >> testClass3 [
self parse: 'private class Bar<T> extends Zorg implements Qwark, Bark
public static void methodA() { /* is empty */ }
rule: #javaClass.
self assert: result simpleName = 'Bar'.
self assert: result methodDeclarations first simpleName = 'methodA'.
{ #category : 'tests - class' }
PPJavaSeaParserTest >> testClassBody1 [
self parse: '{
// some comment
public void methodA()
rule: #classBody.
self assert: result first returnType = 'void'.
self assert: result first simpleName = 'methodA'.
{ #category : 'tests - class' }
PPJavaSeaParserTest >> testClassBody10 [
self parse: '{
private static final int SKIP_BUFFER_SIZE = 2048;
public int read(byte b[]) throws IOException {
return read(b, 0, b.length);
rule: #classBody.
self assert: result isPetitFailure not.
self assert: result size = 1.
self assert: result first simpleName = 'read'.
{ #category : 'tests - class' }
PPJavaSeaParserTest >> testClassBody11 [
self parse: '{
void foo() { {}}
void bar() { }
rule: #classBody.
self assert: result isPetitFailure not.
self assert: result size = 2.
self assert: result first simpleName = 'foo'.
self assert: result second simpleName = 'bar'.
{ #category : 'tests - class' }
PPJavaSeaParserTest >> testClassBody12 [
self parse: '{
public boolean addAll(int index, Collection<? extends E> c) {
public Iterator<E> iterator() {
return listIterator();
rule: #classBody.
self assert: result isPetitFailure not.
self assert: result first simpleName = 'addAll'.
self assert: result second simpleName = 'iterator'.
{ #category : 'tests - class' }
PPJavaSeaParserTest >> testClassBody13 [
self parse: '{
class A {
void bar() {}
void baz() {}
rule: #classBody.
self assert: result isPetitFailure not.
self assert: result first simpleName = 'A'.
self assert: result first methodDeclarations first simpleName = 'bar'.
self assert: result second simpleName = 'baz'.
{ #category : 'tests - class' }
PPJavaSeaParserTest >> testClassBody2 [
self parse: '{
// some comment
public void methodA() {
private Another methodB( )
return new Another();
rule: #classBody.
self assert: result first simpleName = 'methodA'.
self assert: result second simpleName = 'methodB'.
{ #category : 'tests - class' }
PPJavaSeaParserTest >> testClassBody3 [
self parse: '{
// some comment
public void methodA() {
public Bar methodB(Some argument, and another)
return new Bar();
rule: #classBody.
self assert: result first simpleName = 'methodA'.
self assert: result second simpleName = 'methodB'.
self assert: result second returnType = 'Bar'.
{ #category : 'tests - class' }
PPJavaSeaParserTest >> testClassBody4 [
self parse: '{
public void methodA() {
private InnerClass { }
public Bar methodB(Some argument, and another)
return new Bar();
rule: #classBody.
self assert: result first simpleName = 'methodA'.
self assert: result second simpleName = 'methodB'.
{ #category : 'tests - class' }
PPJavaSeaParserTest >> testClassBody5 [
self parse: '{
// I am only empty class
rule: #classBody.
self assert: result size = 0.
{ #category : 'tests - class' }
PPJavaSeaParserTest >> testClassBody6 [
self parse: '{
static { int i; }
rule: #classBody.
self assert: result size = 0.
{ #category : 'tests - class' }
PPJavaSeaParserTest >> testClassBody7 [
self parse: '{
static { int i; }
public String[] getStrings() { }
rule: #classBody.
self assert: result size = 1.
self assert: result first simpleName = 'getStrings'.
{ #category : 'tests - class' }
PPJavaSeaParserTest >> testClassBody8 [
self parse: '{
private static final int ANNOTATION= 0x00002000;
static { int i; }
public String[] getStrings() { }
rule: #classBody.
self assert: result size = 1.
self assert: result first simpleName = 'getStrings'.
{ #category : 'tests - class' }
PPJavaSeaParserTest >> testClassBody9 [
self parse: '{
private static final int ANNOTATION= 0x00002000;
private static native void registerNatives();
static {
public String toString() {
return (isInterface() ? "interface " : (isPrimitive() ? "" : "class "))
+ getName();
rule: #classBody.
"debugResult inspect."
self assert: result isPetitFailure not.
self assert: result first simpleName = 'registerNatives'.
self assert: result second simpleName = 'toString'.
{ #category : 'tests - class' }
PPJavaSeaParserTest >> testClassDef1 [
self parse: 'public class Foo' rule: #classDef
{ #category : 'tests' }
PPJavaSeaParserTest >> testComment [
| input |
input := '/* hello there */'.
self parse: input rule: #comment
{ #category : 'tests' }
PPJavaSeaParserTest >> testComment2 [
| input |
input := '/**
* <p> If the {@code name} is "{@code <init>};"or "{@code <clinit>}" a
* @since JDK1.1
self parse: input rule: #comment
{ #category : 'tests - method' }
PPJavaSeaParserTest >> testMethod1 [
self parse: 'void foo() { }' rule: #methodDef.
self assert: result simpleName = 'foo'.
self assert: result returnType = 'void'.
{ #category : 'tests - method' }
PPJavaSeaParserTest >> testMethod10 [
self parse: 'public void foo () {
}' rule: #methodDef.
self assert: result simpleName = 'foo'.
{ #category : 'tests - method' }
PPJavaSeaParserTest >> testMethod11 [
self parse: 'public void foo_bar () {
}' rule: #methodDef.
self assert: result simpleName = 'foo_bar'.
{ #category : 'tests - method' }
PPJavaSeaParserTest >> testMethod12 [
self parse: 'public void _bar () {
}' rule: #methodDef.
self assert: result simpleName = '_bar'.
{ #category : 'tests - method' }
PPJavaSeaParserTest >> testMethod2 [
self parse: 'Foo m() { /** method body */ }' rule: #methodDef.
self assert: result simpleName = 'm'.
self assert: result returnType = 'Foo'.
{ #category : 'tests - method' }
PPJavaSeaParserTest >> testMethod3 [
self parse: 'Bar methodB(Some argument, and another)
return new Bar();
rule: #methodDef.
self assert: result simpleName = 'methodB'.
self assert: result returnType = 'Bar'.
{ #category : 'tests - method' }
PPJavaSeaParserTest >> testMethod4 [
self parse: 'void finalize() throws Throwable { }'
rule: #methodDef.
self assert: result simpleName = 'finalize'.
{ #category : 'tests - method' }
PPJavaSeaParserTest >> testMethod5 [
self parse: 'public void methodA()
rule: #methodDef.
self assert: result simpleName = 'methodA'.
{ #category : 'tests - method' }
PPJavaSeaParserTest >> testMethod6 [
self fail: 'private InnerClass { }
public void methodA()
rule: #methodDef.
{ #category : 'tests - method' }
PPJavaSeaParserTest >> testMethod7 [
self parse: 'public int read(byte b) throws IOException {
return b;
rule: #methodDef.
self assert: result isPetitFailure not.
self assert: result simpleName = 'read'.
self assert: result returnType = 'int'.
{ #category : 'tests - method' }
PPJavaSeaParserTest >> testMethod8 [
"type is missing"
self fail: 'private Class() {}' rule: #methodDef.
{ #category : 'tests - method' }
PPJavaSeaParserTest >> testMethod9 [
self parse: 'public void foo() { if (true) {} return false;}' rule: #methodDef.
self assert: result simpleName = 'foo'.
{ #category : 'tests - nested class' }
PPJavaSeaParserTest >> testNestedClass1 [
self parse: 'private final class Foo
public void foo() { }
class Bar {
public void bar() { }
rule: #javaClass.
self assert: result simpleName = 'Foo'.
self assert: result methodDeclarations size = 2.
self assert: result methodDeclarations first simpleName = 'foo'.
self assert: result methodDeclarations second simpleName = 'Bar'.
self assert: result methodDeclarations second methodDeclarations first simpleName = 'bar'.
{ #category : 'tests - nested class' }
PPJavaSeaParserTest >> testNestedClass2 [
self parse: 'class Foo
private class Entry {
private void bar() {
public void baz() { }
rule: #javaClass.
self assert: result simpleName = 'Foo'.
self assert: result methodDeclarations size = 2.
self assert: result methodDeclarations first simpleName = 'Entry'.
self assert: result methodDeclarations first methodDeclarations first simpleName = 'bar'.
self assert: result methodDeclarations second simpleName = 'baz'.
{ #category : 'tests' }
PPJavaSeaParserTest >> testSingleLineComment [
| input |
input := '// hello there
self parse: input rule: #singleLineComment.