95 lines
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95 lines
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I can find tokens and I start PPCTokenVisitor, when I see a token.
Class {
#name : 'PPCTokenDetector',
#superclass : 'PPCRewritingVisitor',
#category : 'PetitCompiler-Visitors'
{ #category : 'as yet unclassified' }
PPCTokenDetector >> visitActionNode: node [
(node isMarkedAsTrimmingToken) ifTrue: [
| newNode child whitespace |
child := self visitWithTokenVisitor: node child secondChild.
whitespace := self visitWithTokenVisitor: node child firstChild.
newNode := PPCTrimmingTokenNode new
name: node name;
child: child;
whitespace: whitespace;
tokenClass: node child secondChild tokenClass;
properties: node properties copy;
self cache: node value: newNode.
^ super visitActionNode: newNode
^ super visitActionNode: node
{ #category : 'as yet unclassified' }
PPCTokenDetector >> visitTokenNode: node [
| child newChild |
child := node child.
newChild := self visitWithTokenVisitor: node child.
self cache: node child value: newChild ifPresent: [ :e | self assert: newChild == e ].
^ super visitTokenNode: node
{ #category : 'as yet unclassified' }
PPCTokenDetector >> visitTokenOLNode: node [
^ self visitTokenNode: node
{ #category : 'as yet unclassified' }
PPCTokenDetector >> visitTrimNode: node [
(node child class = PPCTokenNode) ifTrue: [
| newNode |
newNode := PPCTrimmingTokenNode new
name: node name;
child: node child child;
tokenClass: node child tokenClass;
whitespace: node trimmer;
parser: node parser;
self cache: node value: newNode.
^ super visitTrimNode: newNode.
^ super visitTrimNode: node
{ #category : 'as yet unclassified' }
PPCTokenDetector >> visitWithTokenVisitor: node [
| copy retval forbiddenNodes copyVisitor tokenVisitor |
"Do not modify the token structure"
(context options specialize) ifFalse: [
^ node
(self isCached: node) ifTrue: [
^ self cachedValue: node
copyVisitor := PPCCopyVisitor new.
tokenVisitor := PPCTokenVisitor new.
forbiddenNodes := openSet copy.
copyVisitor forbiddenSet: openSet copy.
copy := copyVisitor visit: node.
retval := tokenVisitor visit: copy.
^ retval