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Extension { #name : 'PositionableStream' }
{ #category : '*petitparser-core-converting' }
PositionableStream >> asPetitStream [
"Some of my subclasses do not use the instance-variables collection, position and readLimit but instead have a completely different internal representation. In these cases just use the super implementation that is inefficient but should work in all cases."
Disabled until we agree on some way how to optimize this
^ (collection isNil or: [ position isNil or: [ readLimit isNil ] ])
ifFalse: [ PPStream on: collection from: ( position + 1 ) to: readLimit ]
ifTrue: [ super asPetitStream ]
^ super asPetitStream
{ #category : '*petitparser-core' }
PositionableStream >> peekTwice [
"Answer what would be returned if the message next were sent to the
receiver. If the receiver is at the end, answer nil."
| array |
self atEnd
ifTrue: [^Array with: nil with: nil].
array := Array with: (self next) with: (self peek).
position := position - 1.