35 lines
946 B
35 lines
946 B
A PPStartOfLogicalLineParser is that does not fail, if the stream position is at the first non-blank character of a line. It does not consume anything.
Class {
#name : 'PPStartOfLogicalLineParser',
#superclass : 'PPParser',
#category : 'PetitParser-Parsers'
{ #category : 'testing' }
PPStartOfLogicalLineParser >> isBlank: character [
^ (character == Character space or: [character == Character tab])
{ #category : 'parsing' }
PPStartOfLogicalLineParser >> parseOn: aPPContext [
aPPContext peek isAlphaNumeric ifFalse: [
^ PPFailure message: 'Start of logical line expected' context: aPPContext
aPPContext isStartOfLine ifTrue: [ ^ #startOfLogicalLine ].
[ aPPContext position ~= 0 ] whileTrue: [
aPPContext back.
(self isBlank: aPPContext peek) ifFalse: [
^ PPFailure message: 'Start of logical line expected' context: aPPContext
aPPContext isStartOfLine ifTrue: [ ^ #startOfLogicalLine ].