Class { #name : #PubPubGrammarTest, #superclass : #PP2CompositeNodeTest, #category : #'MiniDocs-Grammars' } { #category : #accessing } PubPubGrammarTest >> parserClass [ ^ PubPubGrammar ] { #category : #accessing } PubPubGrammarTest >> testComposedImageLink [ self parse: '![This is an image label with sublinks (bla bl)[blog]](this/is/an/image/link){this are alternate image sizes}' rule: #imageLink ] { #category : #accessing } PubPubGrammarTest >> testImageLink [ self parse: '![This is an image label](this/is/an/image/link){this are alternate image sizes}' rule: #imageLink ] { #category : #accessing } PubPubGrammarTest >> testLabel: label [ self parse: label rule: #linkLabel ] { #category : #accessing } PubPubGrammarTest >> testLink [ self parse: '[This is a label]{this/is/a/link}' rule: #link ] { #category : #accessing } PubPubGrammarTest >> testNestedLabel [ self parse: '[This is a label with [sublabels]]' rule: #linkLabel ] { #category : #accessing } PubPubGrammarTest >> testSimpleLabel [ self parse: '[This is a label]' rule: #linkLabel ]