diff --git a/src/MiniDocs/Markdeep.class.st b/src/MiniDocs/Markdeep.class.st
index c650a88..26e4c4b 100644
--- a/src/MiniDocs/Markdeep.class.st
+++ b/src/MiniDocs/Markdeep.class.st
@@ -393,6 +393,43 @@ Markdeep >> pubPubRawLinks [
^ (parser parse: self body)
+{ #category : #accessing }
+Markdeep >> removeAlternativeImagesArray [
+ | parser replacements |
+ self body ifNil: [^ self].
+ parser := PubPubGrammar2 new.
+ replacements := parser parse: body.
+ replacements ifEmpty: [^self].
+ replacements do: [:replacement |
+ self body:
+ (self body copyReplaceAll: replacement third with: '' )
+ ].
+ self body: (self body copyReplaceAll: '{srcset=}' with: '').
+{ #category : #accessing }
+Markdeep >> removeAutoGeneratedFileNotice [
+ | autoGeneratedNotice |
+ autoGeneratedNotice := '**Notice:** This file is an auto-generated download and, as such, might
+include minor display or rendering errors. For the version of record,
+please visit the HTML version or download the PDF.
+ self body: (self body copyReplaceAll: autoGeneratedNotice with: '')
+{ #category : #accessing }
+Markdeep >> removeCCByLicenseDiv [
+ | licenseDiv|
+ licenseDiv := '
+**License:** [Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
+(CC-BY 4.0)](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
+ self body: (self body copyReplaceAll: licenseDiv with: '')
{ #category : #accessing }
Markdeep >> replaceBackslashBreaklines [
self bodyReplaceAll: '\
diff --git a/src/MiniDocs/Markdown.class.st b/src/MiniDocs/Markdown.class.st
index 1117488..bcbe8c3 100644
--- a/src/MiniDocs/Markdown.class.st
+++ b/src/MiniDocs/Markdown.class.st
@@ -25,6 +25,24 @@ Markdown class >> yamlMetadataDelimiter [
+{ #category : #accessing }
+Markdown >> asMarkdeep [
+ ^ Markdeep new
+ body: self body;
+ markdownFile: self file;
+ commentYAMLMetadata
+{ #category : #accessing }
+Markdown >> body [
+ ^ body
+{ #category : #accessing }
+Markdown >> body: aString [
+ body := aString
{ #category : #operation }
Markdown >> commentYAMLMetadata [
| newContents |
diff --git a/src/MiniDocs/PubPub.class.st b/src/MiniDocs/PubPub.class.st
deleted file mode 100644
index e50b328..0000000
--- a/src/MiniDocs/PubPub.class.st
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-Class {
- #name : #PubPub,
- #superclass : #Markdown,
- #instVars : [
- 'url'
- ],
- #category : #'MiniDocs-Core'
-{ #category : #accessing }
-PubPub >> detectImageLinkPositions [
- | docNodes response |
- docNodes := self documentTree allChildren.
- response := OrderedCollection new.
- docNodes doWithIndex: [:each :i|
- ((each className = 'PPCMLink') and: [ (docNodes at: i - 1) text = '!' ]) ifTrue:
- [ response add: {i -> each } ]
- ].
- ^ response
-{ #category : #accessing }
-PubPub >> linksWithTreePosition [
- | response |
- response := OrderedCollection new.
- self documentTree allChildren doWithIndex: [:each :i |
- each className = 'PPCMLink' ifTrue: [ response add: { i -> each }]
- ].
- ^ response