" I contain simple general functionality used by Grafoscopio, Dataviz or other related projects. " Class { #name : #GrafoscopioUtils, #superclass : #Object, #category : #'Grafoscopio-Utils' } { #category : #'graphical interface' } GrafoscopioUtils class >> downloadingFrom: downloadUrl withMessage: aString into: location [ | fileName | fileName := downloadUrl segments last. (location / fileName) ensureDelete. [: bar | bar title: aString. [ZnClient new enforceHttpSuccess: true; url: downloadUrl; downloadTo: location; signalProgress: true ] on: HTTPProgress do: [ :progress | progress isEmpty ifFalse: [ bar current: progress percentage ]. progress resume ]. ] asJob run. ] { #category : #private } GrafoscopioUtils class >> sanitize: url [ "I remove white spaces in url's and prepend 'http://' to urls when it is ommited, so operations that rely on sane and well formed urls don't throw error messages." | sanitized modUrl | modUrl := url. [modUrl endsWith: ' '] whileTrue: [ modUrl := modUrl copyFrom: 1 to: (modUrl size - 1) ]. (url beginsWith: 'http://') ifFalse: [ sanitized := ('http://', modUrl) asUrl ] ifTrue: [ sanitized := modUrl asUrl ]. ^ sanitized ] { #category : #updating } GrafoscopioUtils class >> update [ "Updates GrafoscopioUtils with new versions of itself take from the source code repository." Gofer new smalltalkhubUser: 'Offray' project: 'Grafoscopio'; package: 'GrafoscopioUtils'; load. ]