Class { #name : #MarkdeepTest, #superclass : #TestCase, #category : #'Grafoscopio-Utils-Tests' } { #category : #tests } MarkdeepTest >> markdeepTestingPictureSnippet [ ^ (XMLHTMLParser on: '
*Network view of the Malleable Systems TiddlyWiki*
') parseDocument ] { #category : #tests } MarkdeepTest >> testLePictureImport [ | metadata | metadata := STON fromString: (self markdeepTestingPictureSnippet xpath: '@st-data') stringValue. self assert: (LePictureSnippet new injectMetadataFrom: metadata) ] { #category : #tests } MarkdeepTest >> testMetadaIncludesParentId [ | aPage aSnippetOne aSnippetTwo | aPage := LeUIExamples new database pageBuilder title: 'Test Page'; add. aSnippetOne := aPage snippetBuilder string: 'Parent snippet'; add. aSnippetTwo := aPage snippetBuilder string: 'Child Snippet'; add. aSnippetTwo parent: aSnippetOne. self assert: (aSnippetTwo metadata values includes: aSnippetOne uidString) ]