
94 lines
2.4 KiB
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I model a Markdown document.
At some point the idea is to have a full native parser implemented to deal
with my syntax, but meanwhile I will be collaborating with external parsers,
particularly the ones provided by Pandoc and/or Lunamark.
Class {
#name : #Markdown,
#superclass : #Object,
#instVars : [
#category : #'Grafoscopio-Utils'
{ #category : #'instance creation' }
Markdown class >> fromFile: aFileReference [
^ self new fromFile: aFileReference
2019-07-05 12:19:10 +00:00
{ #category : #operation }
Markdown >> commentYAMLMetadata [
| newContents |
self detectYAMLMetadata ifFalse: [ ^ self ].
newContents := '' writeStream.
newContents nextPutAll: '<!--@yaml:'; crlf.
self extractYAMLMetadata do: [ :line |
newContents nextPutAll: line ].
newContents nextPutAll: String cr.
newContents nextPutAll: '-->'; crlf.
(self lines copyFrom: self locateYAMLMetadataClosing + 2 to: self lines size) do: [ :line |
newContents nextPutAll: line; crlf ].
self contents: newContents contents.
^ self contents
{ #category : #utility }
Markdown >> containsYAMLMetadataClosing [
^ self locateYAMLMetadataClosing > 0
{ #category : #accessing }
Markdown >> contents [
^ contents
{ #category : #accessing }
Markdown >> contents: anObject [
contents := anObject
{ #category : #utility }
Markdown >> detectYAMLMetadata [
| lines |
lines := self lines.
^ self startsWithYAMLMetadataDelimiter
and: [ lines allButFirst
detect: [ :currentLine | currentLine beginsWith: '---' ]
ifFound: [ ^ true ] ifNone: [ ^ false ] ]
{ #category : #operation }
Markdown >> extractYAMLMetadata [
self detectYAMLMetadata ifFalse: [ ^ nil ].
^ self lines copyFrom: 2 to: (self locateYAMLMetadataClosing)
{ #category : #'instance creation' }
Markdown >> fromFile: aFileReference [
self contents: aFileReference contents.
{ #category : #utility }
Markdown >> lines [
^ self contents lines.
{ #category : #utility }
Markdown >> locateYAMLMetadataClosing [
"I return the line where the closing of the YAML metadata occurs or 0 if no closing is found."
| result |
self startsWithYAMLMetadataDelimiter ifFalse: [ ^ self ].
result := 0.
self lines allButFirst doWithIndex: [ :currentLine :i |
(currentLine beginsWith: '---') ifTrue: [ result := i ] ].
^ result
{ #category : #utility }
Markdown >> startsWithYAMLMetadataDelimiter [
^ self lines first beginsWith: '---'