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I define the documentation for the Grafoscopio package.
Class {
#name : #GrafoscopioDocs,
#superclass : #GrafoscopioDocumentation,
#category : #Grafoscopio
{ #category : #operation }
GrafoscopioDocs class >> devNotes [
"I'm just an alias to ease the operation. I need to know wich is the index of the notebook
I want to return, as defined on instance initialize method"
| docs |
docs := self newDefault.
^ (docs localPlace fullName, '/', (docs documents at: 3)) asFileReference.
{ #category : #initialization }
GrafoscopioDocs class >> initialize [
self update
{ #category : #operation }
GrafoscopioDocs class >> manual [
"I'm just an alias to ease the operation. I need to know wich is the index of the notebook
I want to open, as defined on method."
| docs |
docs := self newDefault.
^ (docs localPlace fullName, '/', (docs documents at: 2)) asFileReference.
{ #category : #operation }
GrafoscopioDocs class >> openPDFManual [
"I open the documentation in PDF format."
| pdfManual docs |
docs := self newDefault.
pdfManual := docs documents at: 4.
WebBrowser openOn: (docs localPlace / pdfManual) fullName.
{ #category : #operation }
GrafoscopioDocs class >> tutorial [
"I'm just an alias to ease the operation. I need to know wich is the index of the notebook
I want to return, as defined on instance initialize method"
| docs |
docs := self newDefault.
^ (docs localPlace fullName, '/', (docs documents at: 1)) asFileReference.
{ #category : #initialization }
GrafoscopioDocs >> initialize [
"I model the important documents that belong to the Grafoscopio documentation.
When more documents become more mature and usable, I will include them."
super initialize.
name := 'grafoscopio'.
repository := (FossilRepo new remote: '').
localPlace := FileLocator workingDirectory asFileReference /'Grafoscopio'.
addDocument: 'Docs/Es/Tutoriales/tutorial.ston';
addDocument: 'Docs/En/Books/Manual/manual.ston';
addDocument: 'Docs/En/dev-notes.ston';
addDocument: 'Docs/En/Books/Manual/manual.pdf'.