initiazePresenter to be done.

This commit is contained in:
Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas 2017-09-16 21:21:06 +00:00
parent 27f402555b
commit fe07118f84
2 changed files with 17 additions and 3 deletions

View File

@ -265,10 +265,16 @@ GrafoscopioNotebook >> extent [
{ #category : #'as yet unclassified' } { #category : #'as yet unclassified' }
GrafoscopioNotebook >> findAndReplace [ GrafoscopioNotebook >> findAndReplace [
| currentNode | | currentNode replaceGUI findString replaceString |
currentNode := tree highlightedItem content. currentNode := tree highlightedItem content.
GrafoscopioReplace new openWithSpec. replaceGUI := GrafoscopioReplace new.
currentNode find: '' andReplaceWith: nil. replaceGUI openWithSpec.
replaceGUI ok state
whenChangedDo: [
findString := replaceGUI returnValues at: 'find'.
replaceString := replaceGUI returnValues at: 'replace'.
currentNode find: findString andReplaceWith: replaceString. ]
] ]
{ #category : #accessing } { #category : #accessing }

View File

@ -45,6 +45,14 @@ GrafoscopioReplace >> find: anObject [
find := anObject find := anObject
] ]
{ #category : #initialization }
GrafoscopioReplace >> initializePresenter [
"Here we need to deal with changes in the OK button to send messages about the
state of the 'find' and 'replace' variables or do nothing if 'Cancel' is pressed."
self shouldBeImplemented
{ #category : #initialization } { #category : #initialization }
GrafoscopioReplace >> initializeWidgets [ GrafoscopioReplace >> initializeWidgets [
find := self newTextInput find := self newTextInput