Just before trying tagged nodes for exporting in testing branch.

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Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas 2015-01-21 18:19:35 +00:00
parent 361fb8ddcf
commit cc867e0065

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@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ GrafoscopioBrowser >> addToTagsAvailable [
{ #category : #'graphical interface' } { #category : #'graphical interface' }
GrafoscopioBrowser >> bodyForCodeIn: constructor for: aNode [ GrafoscopioBrowser >> bodyForCodeIn: constructor for: aNode [
"Shows the body of a selected node" "Shows the body of a selected node as executable code."
aNode tags = 'código' aNode tags = 'código'
ifFalse: [ ^self ]. ifFalse: [ ^self ].
@ -97,15 +97,6 @@ GrafoscopioBrowser >> bodyForCodeIn: constructor for: aNode [
format: [aNode body]; format: [aNode body];
populate: #acceptedCode icon: GLMUIThemeExtraIcons glamorousAccept on: $s entitled: 'Accept' with: [aNode body] populate: #acceptedCode icon: GLMUIThemeExtraIcons glamorousAccept on: $s entitled: 'Accept' with: [aNode body]
constructor tags = 'código'
ifFalse: [^self ]
ifTrue: [
^(constructor smalltalkCode)
title: 'Código de Smalltalk';
populate: #acceptedCode icon: GLMUIThemeExtraIcons glamorousAccept on: $s entitled: 'Accept' with: [:text | text text ]
] ]
{ #category : #'graphical interface' } { #category : #'graphical interface' }
@ -127,6 +118,16 @@ GrafoscopioBrowser >> bodyForCodeOn: constructor [
]" ]"
] ]
{ #category : #'graphical interface' }
GrafoscopioBrowser >> bodyForTransmediaIn: constructor for: aNode [
"Shows the body of a transmedia type of nodes, which are tagged as 'original' and 'transmediado'"
aNode tags = 'original'
ifFalse: [^self ]
ifTrue: [constructor custom: (self panelTransmediaFor: aNode)]
{ #category : #'graphical interface' } { #category : #'graphical interface' }
GrafoscopioBrowser >> bodyForTransmediaOn: constructor [ GrafoscopioBrowser >> bodyForTransmediaOn: constructor [
"Shows the body of a transmedia type of node" "Shows the body of a transmedia type of node"
@ -250,7 +251,8 @@ browser
to: #nodeBody; to: #nodeBody;
andShow: [ :a :node | andShow: [ :a :node |
self bodyIn: a for: node. self bodyIn: a for: node.
self bodyForCodeIn: a for: node]. self bodyForCodeIn: a for: node.
self bodyForTransmediaIn: a for: node ].
(browser transmit ) (browser transmit )
from: #tree port: #selection; from: #tree port: #selection;
from: #nodeBody port: #text; from: #nodeBody port: #text;
@ -715,6 +717,58 @@ GrafoscopioBrowser >> panelBrowserForTransmediaton [
] ]
{ #category : #'graphical interface' }
GrafoscopioBrowser >> panelTransmediaFor: aNode [
"**Experimental feature.**
Opens grafoscopio in several 'modes'. Each mode corresponds to a operation way, with an specific interface.
We will start with a 'transmediaton' mode to let the people create some transmedia content.
After that we will enable other modes"
| transmediaNode originalNode |
browser := GLMTabulator new.
column: [ :c |
c row: [ :r | r column: #original; column: #transmediado] span: 7";
row: #buttons; span: 1"].
originalNode := aNode.
originalNode children isNotNil
ifTrue: [transmediaNode := originalNode children detect: [:node | node tags = 'transmediado'] ifNone: [ transmediaNode := nil ] ].
(browser transmit)
to: #original;
andShow: [ :a |
a text
title: 'Original';
format:[ aNode body isNil
ifTrue: [ '' ]
ifFalse: [ aNode body ]
(browser transmit)
from: #original;
toOutsidePort: #text.
(browser transmit)
to: #transmediado;
andShow: [ :a |
a text
title: 'Transmediado';
format:[transmediaNode isNotNil
ifFalse: [ '' ]
ifTrue: [transmediaNode body]
" (browser transmit)
to: #buttons;
andShow: [ :a |
a actionList
act: [:entity | entity inspect ] entitled: 'Subir';
act: [:entity | entity explore ] entitled: 'Previsualizar';
act: [:entity | entity explore ] entitled: 'Publicar'].
^ browser.
{ #category : #persistence } { #category : #persistence }
GrafoscopioBrowser >> replaceContentsFromCache: aNode [ GrafoscopioBrowser >> replaceContentsFromCache: aNode [
"Replaces the contents of aNode from the ones in cacheNode. It doesn't work recursively yet, so it doen't copy the children of the nodes" "Replaces the contents of aNode from the ones in cacheNode. It doesn't work recursively yet, so it doen't copy the children of the nodes"