Preliminary support for fossil.
This commit is contained in:
@ -15,7 +15,13 @@ Class {
#classVars : [
#classVars : [
@ -33,6 +39,24 @@ GrafoscopioBrowser class >> openLandscape [
^ self new openLandscape
^ self new openLandscape
{ #category : #persistence }
GrafoscopioBrowser >> addFileToRepository [
"Adds a selected file to a defined repository."
| fileStream fileToAdd |
self buildBrowser.
fileStream := UITheme builder
fileOpen: 'Elija un archivo para agregar al repositorio'.
fileStream isNil ifTrue: [ ^nil ].
fileToAdd := fileStream fullName.
OSProcess command:
'cd ', localRepository parent fullName, '; ',
fossil, ' add ', fileToAdd, '; ',
'echo "Added file to enabled repository"'.
{ #category : #'graphical interface' }
{ #category : #'graphical interface' }
GrafoscopioBrowser >> bodyOn: constructor [
GrafoscopioBrowser >> bodyOn: constructor [
"Shows the body of a selected node"
"Shows the body of a selected node"
@ -179,6 +203,19 @@ browser
on: $s entitled: 'Accept' with: [:text | text text ]].
on: $s entitled: 'Accept' with: [:text | text text ]].
{ #category : #'system-support' }
GrafoscopioBrowser >> configureSettings [
"Stablish several 'global' settings according to the operative system"
Smalltalk platform name = 'unix'
ifTrue: [
fossil := (FileSystem disk workingDirectory / 'Platform' / 'Linux' / 'Programs' / 'Fossil' / 'fossil') fullName.
pandoc := (FileSystem disk workingDirectory / 'Platform' / 'Linux' / 'Programs' / 'Pandoc' / 'pandoc') fullName.
localRepository := (FileSystem disk workingDirectory / 'Grafoscopio' / 'Projects' / 'SoftwareLibre-Educacion' / 'soliedu.fossil')..
remoteRepository := ''.
{ #category : #bibliography }
{ #category : #bibliography }
GrafoscopioBrowser >> customKeys [
GrafoscopioBrowser >> customKeys [
"Replaces the default key in a BibTeX file for a custom key taken from the 'shorttitle' field.
"Replaces the default key in a BibTeX file for a custom key taken from the 'shorttitle' field.
@ -196,14 +233,26 @@ GrafoscopioBrowser >> customKeys [
key: ((bibliography entries at: index) fields at: 2) value ]]].
key: ((bibliography entries at: index) fields at: 2) value ]]].
{ #category : #persistence }
GrafoscopioBrowser >> enableRepository [
"Just a temporary message to enable working with fossil on a specific repository. This should be generalized"
| repositoryLocalPath repositoryRemotePath |
(FileSystem disk workingDirectory / 'Grafoscopio' / 'Projects' / 'SoftwareLibre-Educacion') ensureCreateDirectory.
repositoryLocalPath := (FileSystem disk workingDirectory / 'Grafoscopio' / 'Projects' / 'SoftwareLibre-Educacion') fullName.
repositoryRemotePath := ''.
OSProcess command: 'cd ', repositoryLocalPath,'; ',
fossil, ' clone ', repositoryRemotePath, ' soliedu.fossil; ',
fossil, ' open ', repositoryLocalPath, '/soliedu.fossil ;',
' echo "fossil repo OK"'.
{ #category : #persistence }
{ #category : #persistence }
GrafoscopioBrowser >> exportAsHtml [
GrafoscopioBrowser >> exportAsHtml [
"Exports the current tree to HTML, using the same name but different extension (.html)"
"Exports the current tree to HTML, using the same name but different extension (.html)"
| markdownFileLocation htmlFileLocation pandoc |
| markdownFileLocation htmlFileLocation |
markdownFileLocation := ((workingFile parent) / workingFile basenameWithoutExtension) fullName, '.markdown'.
markdownFileLocation := ((workingFile parent) / workingFile basenameWithoutExtension) fullName, '.markdown'.
htmlFileLocation := ((workingFile parent) / workingFile basenameWithoutExtension) fullName, '.html'.
htmlFileLocation := ((workingFile parent) / workingFile basenameWithoutExtension) fullName, '.html'.
Smalltalk platform name = 'unix'
ifTrue: [ pandoc := (FileSystem disk workingDirectory / 'Platform' / 'Linux' / 'Programs' / 'Pandoc' / 'pandoc') fullName ].
OSProcess command: 'exec ', pandoc, ' ', markdownFileLocation , ' --standalone -o ' , htmlFileLocation.
OSProcess command: 'exec ', pandoc, ' ', markdownFileLocation , ' --standalone -o ' , htmlFileLocation.
self customKeys.
self customKeys.
self inform: 'Archivo exportado como html'.
self inform: 'Archivo exportado como html'.
@ -249,10 +298,11 @@ GrafoscopioBrowser >> open [
"Opens a new browser with a default tree and assigns a default draft file for storing it.
"Opens a new browser with a default tree and assigns a default draft file for storing it.
This is changed when the file is saved with the 'Save as' menu option"
This is changed when the file is saved with the 'Save as' menu option"
| draftsLocation |
| draftsLocation |
self configureSettings.
self buildBrowser.
self buildBrowser.
mainTree := GrafoscopioNode new.
mainTree := GrafoscopioNode new.
mainTree becomeDefaultTree.
mainTree becomeDefaultTree.
draftsLocation := FileSystem disk workingDirectory / 'Drafts'.
draftsLocation := FileSystem disk workingDirectory / 'Grafoscopio' / 'Drafts'.
draftsLocation ensureCreateDirectory.
draftsLocation ensureCreateDirectory.
workingFile := draftsLocation / 'draft.ston'.
workingFile := draftsLocation / 'draft.ston'.
browser openOn: mainTree children.
browser openOn: mainTree children.
@ -262,6 +312,7 @@ GrafoscopioBrowser >> open [
{ #category : #persistence }
{ #category : #persistence }
GrafoscopioBrowser >> openDefault [
GrafoscopioBrowser >> openDefault [
"Opens a new browser with a default tree"
"Opens a new browser with a default tree"
self configureSettings.
self buildBrowser.
self buildBrowser.
mainTree := GrafoscopioNode new.
mainTree := GrafoscopioNode new.
mainTree becomeDefaultTree.
mainTree becomeDefaultTree.
@ -274,7 +325,7 @@ GrafoscopioBrowser >> openFromFile [
"Opens a tree from a file. Maybe this should be integrated with the 'open' method"
"Opens a tree from a file. Maybe this should be integrated with the 'open' method"
| fileStream currentChildren |
| fileStream currentChildren |
self configureSettings.
self buildBrowser.
self buildBrowser.
fileStream := UITheme builder
fileStream := UITheme builder
fileOpen: 'Elija un archivo .ston'
fileOpen: 'Elija un archivo .ston'
@ -284,7 +335,7 @@ GrafoscopioBrowser >> openFromFile [
workingFile := fileStream name asFileReference.
workingFile := fileStream name asFileReference.
currentChildren := (STON fromStream: fileStream).
currentChildren := (STON fromStream: fileStream).
mainTree := GrafoscopioNode new
mainTree := GrafoscopioNode new
header: 'Bootstrapping the research object';
header: 'Arbol principal';
level: 0.
level: 0.
mainTree children: currentChildren.
mainTree children: currentChildren.
browser openOn: mainTree children.
browser openOn: mainTree children.
@ -324,6 +375,24 @@ GrafoscopioBrowser >> openWorking [
{ #category : #persistence }
GrafoscopioBrowser >> repositoryCommit [
"Commits current changes to the open repository"
OSProcess command:
'cd ', localRepository parent fullName, '; ',
fossil, ' commit -m "" --no-warnings; ',
'echo "Commited changes to the repository"'.
{ #category : #persistence }
GrafoscopioBrowser >> repositoryCredentials [
"Asks for the user credentials of the current project repository"
repositoryUser := UIManager default request: 'Ingrese su usuario en el repositorio del proyecto'.
repositoryPassword := UIManager default request: 'Ingrese su contraseña en el repositorio del proyecto'.
{ #category : #persistence }
{ #category : #persistence }
GrafoscopioBrowser >> saveToFile [
GrafoscopioBrowser >> saveToFile [
"Saves the current tree to a file"
"Saves the current tree to a file"
@ -423,9 +492,16 @@ GrafoscopioBrowser >> treeOn: constructor [
entitled: 'Save current tree';
entitled: 'Save current tree';
"Menu options"
"Menu options"
act: [ GrafoscopioBrowser new openFromFile] entitled: 'Abrir/Cargar ...';
act: [ GrafoscopioBrowser new openFromFile] entitled: 'Arbol > Abrir/Cargar ...';
act: [self saveToFile] entitled: 'Guardar como ...';
act: [self saveToFile] entitled: 'Arbol > Guardar como ...';
act: [self exportAsHtml] entitled: 'Exportar como html';
act: [self exportAsHtml] entitled: 'Arbol > Exportar como html';
"act: [:x | x printString inspect] entitled: 'Arbol > Definir título';"
act: [self enableRepository] entitled: 'Proyecto > Activar';
act: [self addFileToRepository] entitled: 'Proyecto > Agregar archivo';
act: [:x | x printString inspect] entitled: 'Proyecto > Eliminar archivo';
act: [self repositoryCommit] entitled: 'Proyecto > Agregar al histórico';
act: [self repositoryCredentials] entitled: 'Proyecto > Acreditarse';
act: [:x | x printString inspect] entitled: 'Proyecto > Sincronizar';
act: [self updateSystem] entitled: 'Actualizar Grafoscopio';
act: [self updateSystem] entitled: 'Actualizar Grafoscopio';
act: [:x | x printString inspect] entitled: 'Acerca de...'.
act: [:x | x printString inspect] entitled: 'Acerca de...'.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user