Minor fix on markdown exportation.
This commit is contained in:
@ -397,13 +397,10 @@ GrafoscopioNode >> exportPreambleTo: aStream [
(self header = '%config')
ifTrue: [
configDict := STON fromString: (self body).
aStream nextPutAll: 'title: ', (configDict at: 'title'); lf.
aStream nextPutAll: 'author: ', ((configDict at: 'author') at: 'given'), ' ', ((configDict at: 'author') at: 'family'); lf.
aStream nextPutAll: 'bibliography: ', (configDict at: 'bibliography'); lf.
aStream nextPutAll: 'abstract: ', '|'; lf; nextPutAll: (configDict at: 'abstract'); lf.
aStream nextPutAll: '---'; lf.
aStream nextPutAll: 'abstract: ', '|'; lf; nextPutAll: (configDict at: 'abstract'); lf]
{ #category : #exporting }
@ -95,6 +95,13 @@ GrafoscopioNotebook >> demoteNode [
self notebookContent: notebook.
{ #category : #persistence }
GrafoscopioNotebook >> exportAllSubtreesAsMarkdow [
| toBeExported |
toBeExported := (self notebook preorderTraversal) "collect: [ :each | each links last ] "
{ #category : #persistence }
GrafoscopioNotebook >> exportAsHTML [
"I export the current tree/document to a HTML file, using pandoc external app.
@ -123,15 +130,10 @@ GrafoscopioNotebook >> exportAsLaTeX [
{ #category : #persistence }
GrafoscopioNotebook >> exportAsMarkdown [
"I export the current tree/document to a markdown file"
"I export the current working tree/document to a markdown file."
ifNil: [ self inform: 'File NOT exported. Please save the notebook on hard drive first' ]
ifNotNil: [
self markdownFile exists ifTrue: [ self markdownFile delete ].
self markdownFile
writeStreamDo: [:stream | stream nextPutAll: self notebook asMarkdown].
self inform: ('File exported as: ', String cr, self markdownFile fullName)]
ifNotNil: [ self exportNode: (self notebook) asMarkdownIn: (self markdownFile) ]
{ #category : #persistence }
@ -259,14 +261,22 @@ GrafoscopioNotebook >> moveNodeBefore [
{ #category : #utilities }
GrafoscopioNotebook >> navigateRelativePathFor: aFileString [
"Given a relative path according to location of the notebook's workingFile, I navigate to that file"
"Given a relative path according to location of the notebook's workingFile, I navigate to that file if exist and create it, including
subdirectories if it does not exist.
If the relative path is located in a subdirectory that shares the route with the notebooks working file, it must start with the folders name,
without using './' to point the same shared root "
| finalLocation |
| finalLocation pathSegments |
finalLocation := workingFile parent.
(aFileString splitOn: '/') do: [ :segment |
pathSegments := aFileString splitOn: '/'.
pathSegments allButLastDo: [ :segment |
(segment = '..')
ifTrue: [ finalLocation := finalLocation parent ]
ifFalse: [finalLocation := finalLocation / segment]].
ifFalse: [
finalLocation := finalLocation / segment.
finalLocation exists ifFalse: [ finalLocation ensureCreateDirectory ]]].
finalLocation := finalLocation / (pathSegments last).
finalLocation exists ifFalse: [ finalLocation ensureCreateFile ].
^ finalLocation
@ -521,6 +531,7 @@ GrafoscopioNotebook >> saveToFile: aFileReference [
[ self exportAsSton: self notebook on: (self workingFile writeStream)]
ensure: [ (self workingFile writeStream) ifNotNil: #close ].
self title: self workingFile basenameWithIndicator, ' | Grafoscopio notebook'.
self exportAllSubtreesAsMarkdow.
self inform: ('File saved at: ', String cr, self workingFile fullName).
GrafoscopioDockingBar updateRecentNotebooksWith: aFileReference.
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ Class {
{ #category : #'code-critics' }
ManifestGrafoscopio class >> ruleRBAssignmentInIfTrueRuleV1FalsePositive [
^ #(#(#(#RGMethodDefinition #(#GrafoscopioNode #embedNodes #false)) #'2017-02-16T20:07:02.600781-05:00') )
^ #(#(#(#RGMethodDefinition #(#GrafoscopioNode #embedNodes #false)) #'2017-02-16T20:07:02.600781-05:00') #(#(#RGMethodDefinition #(#GrafoscopioNotebook #navigateRelativePathFor: #false)) #'2017-03-28T22:30:53.541042-05:00') )
{ #category : #'code-critics' }
Reference in New Issue
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