Impleting find and replace.

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Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas 2017-09-09 17:54:25 +00:00
parent 973d6c2c76
commit 9b91900dda
2 changed files with 16 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -420,6 +420,12 @@ GrafoscopioNode >> exportPreambleTo: aStream [
aStream nextPutAll: 'abstract: ', '|'; lf; nextPutAll: (configDict at: 'abstract'); lf] aStream nextPutAll: 'abstract: ', '|'; lf; nextPutAll: (configDict at: 'abstract'); lf]
] ]
{ #category : #utility }
GrafoscopioNode >> find: aString andReplaceWith: anotherString [
anotherString ifNil: [ ^ self ].
self body: ((self body) copyReplaceAll: aString with: anotherString)
{ #category : #exporting } { #category : #exporting }
GrafoscopioNode >> flatten [ GrafoscopioNode >> flatten [
"I traverse the tree looking for node bodies containing 'Text' objects and transform them to "I traverse the tree looking for node bodies containing 'Text' objects and transform them to

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@ -33,6 +33,16 @@ GrafoscopioNodeTest >> testDemoteNode [
] ]
{ #category : #tests }
GrafoscopioNodeTest >> testFindAndReplace [
| tree |
tree := GrafoscopioNode new.
tree body: 'I''m only a test node.'.
tree find: 'only' andReplaceWith: 'JUST'.
self assert: (tree body findString: 'JUST') > 0.
{ #category : #tests } { #category : #tests }
GrafoscopioNodeTest >> testHasMarkdownSubtreesToExport [ GrafoscopioNodeTest >> testHasMarkdownSubtreesToExport [
"Because becomeDefaultTestTree contains at least one non empty 'links' object that "Because becomeDefaultTestTree contains at least one non empty 'links' object that