From 1597d9ece5825b4e25bf2c65486fc75d0bb1ef76 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Offray Luna Date: Tue, 28 Jun 2016 16:22:00 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] Reorganizing protocols. --- .../Grafoscopio/ | 271 ---------------- .../Grafoscopio/ | 304 +++++++++++++++++- .../Grafoscopio/ | 2 +- .../Grafoscopio/ | 28 +- 4 files changed, 323 insertions(+), 282 deletions(-) diff --git a/repository/Grafoscopio/ b/repository/Grafoscopio/ index b470489..5c71a41 100644 --- a/repository/Grafoscopio/ +++ b/repository/Grafoscopio/ @@ -29,71 +29,6 @@ Class { #category : #'Grafoscopio-UI' } -{ #category : #updating } -GrafoscopioBrowser class >> docDataManual [ - "I define some metadata associated to the manual document. - Language is provided according to the ISO 639-1 code convention." - - | docData | - - docData := Dictionary - with: 'type' -> 'manual' - with: 'languageCode' -> 'ES_CO' - with: 'remoteRepo' -> '' - with: 'relativePath' -> 'Docs/Es/Manual/' - with: 'filename' -> 'manual-grafoscopio.ston'. - ^ docData -] - -{ #category : #updating } -GrafoscopioBrowser class >> docDataTutorial [ - "I define some metadata associated to the tutorial document. - Language is provided according to the ISO 639-1 code convention." - - | docData | - - docData := Dictionary - with: 'type' -> 'tutorial' - with: 'languageCode' -> 'ES_CO' - with: 'remoteRepo' -> '' - with: 'relativePath' -> 'Docs/Es/Tutoriales/' - with: 'filename' -> 'tutorial.ston'. - ^ docData - -] - -{ #category : #updating } -GrafoscopioBrowser class >> docDownloadFor: aDocumentType [ - "I download the interactive documentation in STON format, according to the document - type which can be: 'tutorial' or 'manual'. - If a the documentation is already present in the system I made a temporal backup and - download a new copy" - - | docInfo rootFolder localDoc temporalBackup remoteDoc | - - (aDocumentType = 'tutorial') ifTrue: [ docInfo := self docDataTutorial ]. - (aDocumentType = 'manual') ifTrue: [ docInfo := self docDataManual ]. - rootFolder := (FileLocator documents asFileReference / 'Grafoscopio'). - rootFolder exists ifFalse: [ - rootFolder ensureCreateDirectory. - OSProcess command: ('exec mkdir -p ', rootFolder fullName, '/', (docInfo at: 'relativePath')) - ]. - localDoc := rootFolder fullName, '/', (docInfo at: 'relativePath'), (docInfo at: 'filename'). - temporalBackup := rootFolder fullName, '/', (docInfo at: 'relativePath'), aDocumentType, '.temp.ston'. - remoteDoc := - (self docDataTutorial at: 'remoteRepo'), 'doc/tip/', - (self docDataTutorial at: 'relativePath'), (self docDataTutorial at: 'filename'). - localDoc asFileReference exists - ifTrue: [ - temporalBackup asFileReference exists ifTrue: [ temporalBackup asFileReference delete]. - localDoc asFileReference renameTo: aDocumentType, '.temp.ston' - ]. - self - downloadingFrom: remoteDoc - withMessage: 'Actualizando el ', aDocumentType,'...' - into: (rootFolder fullName, '/', (docInfo at: 'relativePath')). -] - { #category : #'graphical interface' } GrafoscopioBrowser class >> downloadingFrom: downloadUrl withMessage: aString into: location [ @@ -112,32 +47,6 @@ GrafoscopioBrowser class >> downloadingFrom: downloadUrl withMessage: aString in ] asJob run. ] -{ #category : #updating } -GrafoscopioBrowser class >> isDocUpdatedFor: aDocumentType [ - "I compare the cryptografic signatures of the local copy of aDocumentType and the remote one to see if the're the same, - in which case I return True or False in any other cases. - aDocumentType is a string that can be 'tutorial' or 'manual' according to the type of document we're querying for. - Now documentation is mainly on Spanish. When support for multiple languages be enabled this method needs revision" - - | folderLastContents lastRemoteTutorial localTutorial docInfo | - - (aDocumentType = 'tutorial') ifTrue: [ docInfo := self docDataTutorial ]. - (aDocumentType = 'manual') ifTrue: [ docInfo := self docDataManual ]. - localTutorial := FileLocator documents / 'Grafoscopio', (docInfo at: 'relativePath'), (docInfo at: 'filename'). - localTutorial exists - ifFalse: [ - self docDownloadFor: 'tutorial'. - ^ true. - ] - ifTrue: [ - folderLastContents := NeoJSONReader fromString: - (ZnEasy get: (docInfo at: 'remoteRepo'), 'json/dir?ci=tip&name=', (docInfo at: 'relativePath')) contents. - lastRemoteTutorial := ((folderLastContents at: 'payload') at: 'entries') - detect: [:entry | (entry at: 'name') = (docInfo at: 'filename') ]. - ^ (lastRemoteTutorial at: 'uuid') = (SHA1 new hashMessage: (localTutorial asFileReference contents)) hex] - -] - { #category : #'graphical interface' } GrafoscopioBrowser class >> messageAbout [ "Shows the author, license, sponsors and main contributors to the project and point to further documentation on the web" @@ -275,186 +184,6 @@ GrafoscopioBrowser class >> showSettings [ Transcript show: pandoc ] -{ #category : #updating } -GrafoscopioBrowser class >> updateDataviz [ - "I'm update the Dataviz package with new versions of itself take from the source code repository. - DataViz contains Data visualization helpers" - Gofer it - smalltalkhubUser: 'Offray' project: 'Dataviz'; - configurationOf: 'Dataviz'; - loadVersion: #development. - self inform: 'Actualización del paquete Dataviz terminada' -] - -{ #category : #updating } -GrafoscopioBrowser class >> updateDatavizUI [ - "I'm the User Interface for updating the Dataviz package with new versions of itself take from the source code repository" - | update | - - update := (UIManager default - question: 'Dataviz es un paquete de visualización de datos' - title: 'Actualizar paquete Dataviz'). - update ifNotNil: [ - update - ifTrue: [self updateDataviz] - ifFalse: [self inform: 'Actualización del paquete dataviz no realizada']] -] - -{ #category : #updating } -GrafoscopioBrowser class >> updateDocumentation [ - "Updates documentation (manual, tutorials) from official repository" - - | docs | - - docs := #('tutorial' 'manual'). - docs do: [ :eachDoc | - (self isDocUpdatedFor: eachDoc) - ifFalse: [ self docDownloadFor: eachDoc] - ifTrue: [ - self inform: - 'NADA QUE ACTUALIZAR!', String cr, - 'El ', eachDoc,' ya se encuentra en su versión más reciente.' - ] - ] -] - -{ #category : #updating } -GrafoscopioBrowser class >> updateDocumentationUI [ - "Updates documentation (manual, tutorials) from official repository" - - | update | - - update := (UIManager default - confirm: '¿Desea actualizar la documentación?' - label: 'Actualizar documentación'). - update ifTrue: [self updateDocumentation] -] - -{ #category : #updating } -GrafoscopioBrowser class >> updateGrafoscopio [ - "Updates Grafoscopio with new versions of itself take from the source code repository and - the User Interface" - Gofer new - smalltalkhubUser: 'Offray' project: 'Grafoscopio'; - package: 'Grafoscopio'; - load. - self updateUI. -] - -{ #category : #updating } -GrafoscopioBrowser class >> updateGrafoscopioUI [ - "Updates Grafoscopio with new versions of itself take from the source code repository and - the User Interface" - | update | - - update := (UIManager default - question: '¿Desea actualizar grafoscopio?' - title: 'Actualizar grafoscopio'). - update ifNotNil: [ - update - ifTrue: [ - self updateGrafoscopio. - self inform: 'Actualización de grafoscopio terminada'] - ifFalse: [self inform: 'Actualización de grafoscopio no realizada']] -] - -{ #category : #updating } -GrafoscopioBrowser class >> updatePrerrequisitesScript [ - "Updates the system prerequisites with new versions of itself take from the source code repository" - - "Visualization library (which also makes main menu loadable)" - Gofer it - smalltalkhubUser: 'ObjectProfile' project: 'Roassal2'; - configurationOf: 'Roassal2'; - loadStable. - - "Support for the STON format used in file persistance for grafoscopio notebooks" - Gofer new - smalltalkhubUser: 'SvenVanCaekenberghe' project: 'STON'; - configurationOf: 'Ston'; - loadBleedingEdge. - - "Moose and Roassal integration" - Gofer new - smalltalkhubUser: 'Moose' project: 'Glamour'; - package: 'Glamour-Tools'; - package: 'Glamour-Roassal2-Presentations'; - load. - - Gofer new - smalltalkhubUser: 'Moose' project: 'GToolkit'; - package: 'GT-InspectorExtensions-CoreRoassal'; - load. - - "Fast Table support" - Gofer it - smalltalkhubUser: 'estebanlm' project: 'FastTable'; - package: 'FastTable'; - load. - - "Integration with external tools" - Gofer new - smalltalkhubUser: 'Offray' project: 'Grafoscopio'; - package: 'Grafoscopio-ExternalTools'; - load. - - "HTML scrapping" - Gofer new - smalltalkhubUser: 'PharoExtras' project: 'Soup'; - configurationOf: 'Soup'; - loadStable. - - "SQLite support" - Gofer new - url: ''; - package: 'NBSQLite3'; - load. - - Gofer new - url: ''; - package: 'NBSQLite3-Examples'; - load. - - "Support for Operative System integration" - Gofer new - squeaksource: 'OSProcess'; - package: 'OSProcess'; - load. - - Gofer new - squeaksource: 'CommandShell'; - package: 'CommandShell-Piping'; - load. - - "Bibliographic support" - Gofer new - squeaksource: 'Citezen'; - package: 'ConfigurationOfCitezen'; - load. - -] - -{ #category : #updating } -GrafoscopioBrowser class >> updateSystem [ - "Updates the system with new versions of itself take from the source code repository" - | update | - - update := (UIManager default - question: '¿Desea actualizar grafoscopio?' - title: 'Actualizar grafoscopio'). - update ifNotNil: [ - update - ifFalse: [ self inform: 'Actualización de todo el sistema NO realizada.' ] - ifTrue: [ - self - updateGrafoscopio; - updateDocumentation; - updateDataviz. - ExternalApp installSQLite32Bits. - self inform: 'Actualización de todo el sistema terminada.'] - ] -] - { #category : #updating } GrafoscopioBrowser class >> updateUI [ "I update the User Interface (UI) with new versions of the docking bar or logos where available. diff --git a/repository/Grafoscopio/ b/repository/Grafoscopio/ index 2835802..8b3105c 100644 --- a/repository/Grafoscopio/ +++ b/repository/Grafoscopio/ @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ " -Please comment me using the following template inspired by Class Responsibility Collaborator (CRC) design: +I'm the Graphical User Interface for Grafoscopio environment. -I'm the graphical user interface for grafoscopio. I'm using Spec. - -My main responsability is to provide grafoscopio with graphical widgets and other elements to manipulate grafoscopio trees, helping with common task of storing, opening and manipulating trees. +My main responsability is to provide grafoscopio with a docking bar +with menu options for open, browse notebooks, update the system +and its components and the help menu. " Class { @@ -13,15 +13,15 @@ Class { 'windowMainMenu', 'tree', 'nodeHeader', - 'nodeBody', - 'headerRefreshProcess', - 'selected' + 'nodeBody' ], #classVars : [ - 'dockingBar' + 'dockingBar', + 'recentNotebooks' ], #classInstVars : [ - 'dockingBar' + 'dockingBar', + 'recentNotebooks' ], #category : #'Grafoscopio-UI' } @@ -52,6 +52,71 @@ GrafoscopioGUI class >> defaultSpec [ yourself ] +{ #category : #updating } +GrafoscopioGUI class >> docDataManual [ + "I define some metadata associated to the manual document. + Language is provided according to the ISO 639-1 code convention." + + | docData | + + docData := Dictionary + with: 'type' -> 'manual' + with: 'languageCode' -> 'ES_CO' + with: 'remoteRepo' -> '' + with: 'relativePath' -> 'Docs/Es/Manual/' + with: 'filename' -> 'manual-grafoscopio.ston'. + ^ docData +] + +{ #category : #updating } +GrafoscopioGUI class >> docDataTutorial [ + "I define some metadata associated to the tutorial document. + Language is provided according to the ISO 639-1 code convention." + + | docData | + + docData := Dictionary + with: 'type' -> 'tutorial' + with: 'languageCode' -> 'ES_CO' + with: 'remoteRepo' -> '' + with: 'relativePath' -> 'Docs/Es/Tutoriales/' + with: 'filename' -> 'tutorial.ston'. + ^ docData + +] + +{ #category : #updating } +GrafoscopioGUI class >> docDownloadFor: aDocumentType [ + "I download the interactive documentation in STON format, according to the document + type which can be: 'tutorial' or 'manual'. + If a the documentation is already present in the system I made a temporal backup and + download a new copy" + + | docInfo rootFolder localDoc temporalBackup remoteDoc | + + (aDocumentType = 'tutorial') ifTrue: [ docInfo := self docDataTutorial ]. + (aDocumentType = 'manual') ifTrue: [ docInfo := self docDataManual ]. + rootFolder := (FileLocator documents asFileReference / 'Grafoscopio'). + rootFolder exists ifFalse: [ + rootFolder ensureCreateDirectory. + OSProcess command: ('exec mkdir -p ', rootFolder fullName, '/', (docInfo at: 'relativePath')) + ]. + localDoc := rootFolder fullName, '/', (docInfo at: 'relativePath'), (docInfo at: 'filename'). + temporalBackup := rootFolder fullName, '/', (docInfo at: 'relativePath'), aDocumentType, '.temp.ston'. + remoteDoc := + (self docDataTutorial at: 'remoteRepo'), 'doc/tip/', + (self docDataTutorial at: 'relativePath'), (self docDataTutorial at: 'filename'). + localDoc asFileReference exists + ifTrue: [ + temporalBackup asFileReference exists ifTrue: [ temporalBackup asFileReference delete]. + localDoc asFileReference renameTo: aDocumentType, '.temp.ston' + ]. + self + downloadingFrom: remoteDoc + withMessage: 'Actualizando el ', aDocumentType,'...' + into: (rootFolder fullName, '/', (docInfo at: 'relativePath')). +] + { #category : #accessing } GrafoscopioGUI class >> dockingBar [ ^ dockingBar @@ -248,6 +313,42 @@ GrafoscopioGUI class >> initialize [ self startDockingBar. ] +{ #category : #updating } +GrafoscopioGUI class >> isDocUpdatedFor: aDocumentType [ + "I compare the cryptografic signatures of the local copy of aDocumentType and the remote one to see if the're the same, + in which case I return True or False in any other cases. + aDocumentType is a string that can be 'tutorial' or 'manual' according to the type of document we're querying for. + Now documentation is mainly on Spanish. When support for multiple languages be enabled this method needs revision" + + | folderLastContents lastRemoteTutorial localTutorial docInfo | + + (aDocumentType = 'tutorial') ifTrue: [ docInfo := self docDataTutorial ]. + (aDocumentType = 'manual') ifTrue: [ docInfo := self docDataManual ]. + localTutorial := FileLocator documents / 'Grafoscopio', (docInfo at: 'relativePath'), (docInfo at: 'filename'). + localTutorial exists + ifFalse: [ + self docDownloadFor: 'tutorial'. + ^ true. + ] + ifTrue: [ + folderLastContents := NeoJSONReader fromString: + (ZnEasy get: (docInfo at: 'remoteRepo'), 'json/dir?ci=tip&name=', (docInfo at: 'relativePath')) contents. + lastRemoteTutorial := ((folderLastContents at: 'payload') at: 'entries') + detect: [:entry | (entry at: 'name') = (docInfo at: 'filename') ]. + ^ (lastRemoteTutorial at: 'uuid') = (SHA1 new hashMessage: (localTutorial asFileReference contents)) hex] + +] + +{ #category : #accessing } +GrafoscopioGUI class >> recentNotebooks [ + ^ recentNotebooks ifNil: [ ^ OrderedCollection new ] +] + +{ #category : #accessing } +GrafoscopioGUI class >> recentNotebooks: anObject [ + recentNotebooks := anObject +] + { #category : #'graphical interface' } GrafoscopioGUI class >> startDockingBar [ "Creates a custom docking bar for grafoscopio on top, with shorcuts for most used actions, and a fixed place for asking for help. @@ -295,6 +396,191 @@ GrafoscopioGUI class >> startDockingBar [ openInWorld. ] +{ #category : #updating } +GrafoscopioGUI class >> updateDataviz [ + "I'm update the Dataviz package with new versions of itself take from the source code repository. + DataViz contains Data visualization helpers" + Gofer it + smalltalkhubUser: 'Offray' project: 'Dataviz'; + configurationOf: 'Dataviz'; + loadVersion: #development. + self inform: 'Actualización del paquete Dataviz terminada' +] + +{ #category : #updating } +GrafoscopioGUI class >> updateDatavizUI [ + "I'm the User Interface for updating the Dataviz package with new versions of itself take from the source code repository" + | update | + + update := (UIManager default + question: 'Dataviz es un paquete de visualización de datos' + title: 'Actualizar paquete Dataviz'). + update ifNotNil: [ + update + ifTrue: [self updateDataviz] + ifFalse: [self inform: 'Actualización del paquete dataviz no realizada']] +] + +{ #category : #updating } +GrafoscopioGUI class >> updateDocumentation [ + "Updates documentation (manual, tutorials) from official repository" + + | docs | + + docs := #('tutorial' 'manual'). + docs do: [ :eachDoc | + (self isDocUpdatedFor: eachDoc) + ifFalse: [ self docDownloadFor: eachDoc] + ifTrue: [ + self inform: + 'NADA QUE ACTUALIZAR!', String cr, + 'El ', eachDoc,' ya se encuentra en su versión más reciente.' + ] + ] +] + +{ #category : #updating } +GrafoscopioGUI class >> updateDocumentationUI [ + "Updates documentation (manual, tutorials) from official repository" + + | update | + + update := (UIManager default + confirm: '¿Desea actualizar la documentación?' + label: 'Actualizar documentación'). + update ifTrue: [self updateDocumentation] +] + +{ #category : #updating } +GrafoscopioGUI class >> updateGrafoscopio [ + "Updates Grafoscopio with new versions of itself take from the source code repository and + the User Interface" + Gofer new + smalltalkhubUser: 'Offray' project: 'Grafoscopio'; + package: 'Grafoscopio'; + load. + self updateUI. +] + +{ #category : #updating } +GrafoscopioGUI class >> updateGrafoscopioUI [ + "Updates Grafoscopio with new versions of itself take from the source code repository and + the User Interface" + | update | + + update := (UIManager default + question: '¿Desea actualizar grafoscopio?' + title: 'Actualizar grafoscopio'). + update ifNotNil: [ + update + ifTrue: [ + self updateGrafoscopio. + self inform: 'Actualización de grafoscopio terminada'] + ifFalse: [self inform: 'Actualización de grafoscopio no realizada']] +] + +{ #category : #updating } +GrafoscopioGUI class >> updatePrerrequisitesScript [ + "Updates the system prerequisites with new versions of itself take from the source code repository" + + "Visualization library (which also makes main menu loadable)" + Gofer it + smalltalkhubUser: 'ObjectProfile' project: 'Roassal2'; + configurationOf: 'Roassal2'; + loadStable. + + "Support for the STON format used in file persistance for grafoscopio notebooks" + Gofer new + smalltalkhubUser: 'SvenVanCaekenberghe' project: 'STON'; + configurationOf: 'Ston'; + loadBleedingEdge. + + "Moose and Roassal integration" + Gofer new + smalltalkhubUser: 'Moose' project: 'Glamour'; + package: 'Glamour-Tools'; + package: 'Glamour-Roassal2-Presentations'; + load. + + Gofer new + smalltalkhubUser: 'Moose' project: 'GToolkit'; + package: 'GT-InspectorExtensions-CoreRoassal'; + load. + + "Fast Table support" + Gofer it + smalltalkhubUser: 'estebanlm' project: 'FastTable'; + package: 'FastTable'; + load. + + "Integration with external tools" + Gofer new + smalltalkhubUser: 'Offray' project: 'Grafoscopio'; + package: 'Grafoscopio-ExternalTools'; + load. + + "HTML scrapping" + Gofer new + smalltalkhubUser: 'PharoExtras' project: 'Soup'; + configurationOf: 'Soup'; + loadStable. + + "SQLite support" + Gofer new + url: ''; + package: 'NBSQLite3'; + load. + + Gofer new + url: ''; + package: 'NBSQLite3-Examples'; + load. + + "Support for Operative System integration" + Gofer new + squeaksource: 'OSProcess'; + package: 'OSProcess'; + load. + + Gofer new + squeaksource: 'CommandShell'; + package: 'CommandShell-Piping'; + load. + + "Bibliographic support" + Gofer new + squeaksource: 'Citezen'; + package: 'ConfigurationOfCitezen'; + load. + +] + +{ #category : #updating } +GrafoscopioGUI class >> updateRecentNotebooksWith: aFileReference [ + self recentNotebooks add: aFileReference. +] + +{ #category : #updating } +GrafoscopioGUI class >> updateSystem [ + "Updates the system with new versions of itself take from the source code repository" + | update | + + update := (UIManager default + question: '¿Desea actualizar grafoscopio?' + title: 'Actualizar grafoscopio'). + update ifNotNil: [ + update + ifFalse: [ self inform: 'Actualización de todo el sistema NO realizada.' ] + ifTrue: [ + self + updateGrafoscopio; + updateDocumentation; + updateDataviz. + ExternalApp installSQLite32Bits. + self inform: 'Actualización de todo el sistema terminada.'] + ] +] + { #category : #'graphical interface' } GrafoscopioGUI class >> updateUI [ "I update the User Interface (UI) with new versions of the docking bar or logos where available. diff --git a/repository/Grafoscopio/ b/repository/Grafoscopio/ index 6b3639a..908fa87 100644 --- a/repository/Grafoscopio/ +++ b/repository/Grafoscopio/ @@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ GrafoscopioNode >> becomeDefaultTree [ self header: 'Arbol principal'. node1 := GrafoscopioNode header: 'Nodo 1' - body: 'Texto 1'. + body: ''. self addNode: node1. ] diff --git a/repository/Grafoscopio/ b/repository/Grafoscopio/ index fe29f94..97c85a3 100644 --- a/repository/Grafoscopio/ +++ b/repository/Grafoscopio/ @@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ GrafoscopioNotebook >> notebookSubMenu [ item name: 'Save as...'; icon: Smalltalk ui icons smallSaveAsIcon; - action: [ self inform: 'To be implemented...' ] ]. + action: [ self saveToFileUI ] ]. group addItem: [ :item | item name: 'Export as html'; @@ -346,6 +346,32 @@ GrafoscopioNotebook >> projectSubMenu [ ] +{ #category : #persistence } +GrafoscopioNotebook >> saveToFile: aFileReference [ + "I save the current tree/document to a file" + + aFileReference ifNil: [ self inform: 'No file selected for saving. Save NOT done'. ^ self ]. + workingFile := aFileReference. + [ self exportAsSton: self notebook on: (self workingFile writeStream) ] + ensure: [(self workingFile writeStream) ifNotNil: #close]. + GrafoscopioGUI updateRecentNotebooksWith: aFileReference. + +] + +{ #category : #persistence } +GrafoscopioNotebook >> saveToFileUI [ + + | file | + + file := UITheme builder + fileSave: 'Export notebook to file as...' + extensions: #('ston') + path: nil. + file + ifNil: [ self inform: 'Export cancelled'. ^ self ] + ifNotNil:[self saveToFile: file]. +] + { #category : #persistence } GrafoscopioNotebook >> saveWorkingNotebook [ "Saves the current tree to the user predefined file location used when he/she opened it."