" I model a fossil repository. For details about fossil see: http://fossil-scm.org/ The protocols are named following Smalltalk conventions, but also after the Fossil JSON API documentation at [1] [1] https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fXViveNhDbiXgCuE7QDXQOKeFzf2qNUkBEgiUvoqFN4/view " Class { #name : #FossilRepo, #superclass : #Object, #instVars : [ 'local', 'remote', 'repository' ], #classInstVars : [ 'executable' ], #category : #Fossil } { #category : #accessing } FossilRepo class >> executable [ ^ executable ifNil: [ executable := self locateExecutable ] ] { #category : #accessing } FossilRepo class >> executable: aPathString [ "I define where the Fossil package is installed in this operative system." executable := aPathString ] { #category : #'instance creation' } FossilRepo class >> local: aFilePath repository: aFossilFilePath [ | repo | repo := self new local: aFilePath; repository: aFossilFilePath. repo remote = 'off' ifTrue: [ repo remote: nil ] ifFalse: [ repo remote: repo remote ]. ^ repo ] { #category : #accessing } FossilRepo class >> locateExecutable [ Smalltalk os isWindows ifTrue: [ ^ self ]. OSSUnixSubprocess new command: 'which'; arguments: #('fossil') ; redirectStdout; runAndWaitOnExitDo: [ :process :outString | ^ outString allButLast ] ] { #category : #operation } FossilRepo >> add: fileRelativePath [ "I add a file to the working Fossil repository, given that both, the file and the repositor, share the same root directory/folder." OSSUnixSubprocess new command: self class locateExecutable; workingDirectory: self localRoot; arguments: { 'add' . fileRelativePath }; redirectStdout; runAndWaitOnExitDo: [ :process :outString | ^ outString ] ] { #category : #accessing } FossilRepo >> addFiles: aCollection [ aCollection do: [ :each | self add: each ]. ] { #category : #accessing } FossilRepo >> addUnversioned: aFileRelativePathFullname [ ^ self fossilUv: 'add' and: aFileRelativePathFullname ] { #category : #authentication } FossilRepo >> authTokenFor: anUserName withPassword: passwordString [ ^ ((self loginAs: anUserName withPassword: passwordString) at: 'payload') at: 'authToken' ] { #category : #authentication } FossilRepo >> capabilities [ | payload name permissions | payload := self rawCapabilities at: 'payload'. name := payload at: 'name'. permissions := ((payload at: 'permissionFlags') select: [ :item | item value ]) keys. ^ Dictionary new at: 'name' put: name; at: 'permissions' put: permissions; yourself. ] { #category : #querying } FossilRepo >> checkinsFor: relativeFilePath [ "I get all histotical checkins information for a full file name, wich includes relative path in the repository (i.e: 'Doc/Es/Tutoriales/tutorial.ston' or 'index.html')" | payload | payload := (self jsonDataFor: relativeFilePath) at: 'payload' ifAbsent: [ self inform: 'WARNING! Key not found, verify the file name you are looking in this repository'. ^ self ]. ^ payload at: 'checkins' ] { #category : #accessing } FossilRepo >> checkoutDateAndTime [ | date time splitedCheckout | splitedCheckout := (self status at: 'checkout') splitOn: ' '. date := splitedCheckout at: 2. time := splitedCheckout at: 3. ^ (date, time) asZTimestamp ] { #category : #accessing } FossilRepo >> command: aCommandArgument [ OSSUnixSubprocess new command: 'fossil'; arguments: { aCommandArgument }; workingDirectory: self localRoot; redirectStdout; redirectStderr; runAndWaitOnExitDo: [ :process :outString | ^ outString ] ] { #category : #operation } FossilRepo >> commit: message [ "I add a file to the working Fossil repository, given that both, the file and the repositor, share the same root directory/folder." OSSUnixSubprocess new command: self class locateExecutable; arguments: { 'commit' . '--no-warnings' . '-m' . message }; workingDirectory: self localRoot; redirectStdout; runAndWaitOnExitDo: [ :process :outString | ^ outString ] ] { #category : #operation } FossilRepo >> commit: message withEnabledWarnings: aBoolean [ "I add a file to the working Fossil repository, given that both, the file and the repositor, share the same root directory/folder." | warningCommand | warningCommand := aBoolean ifFalse: [ '' ] ifTrue: [ '--no-warnings' ]. OSSUnixSubprocess new command: self class locateExecutable; arguments: {'commit'. warningCommand. '-m'. message}; workingDirectory: self localRoot; redirectStdout; runAndWaitOnExitDo: [ :process :outString | ^ outString ] ] { #category : #wiki } FossilRepo >> createPage: pageName [ ^ NeoJSONReader fromString: (self jsonWikiDataFor: 'create/', pageName) ] { #category : #accessing } FossilRepo >> delete: fileRelativePath [ "I delete a file to the working Fossil repository, given that both, the file and the repositor, share the same root directory/folder." OSSUnixSubprocess new command: self class locateExecutable; workingDirectory: self localRoot; arguments: { 'delete' . fileRelativePath }; redirectStdout; runAndWaitOnExitDo: [ :process :outString | ^ outString ] ] { #category : #accessing } FossilRepo >> diff [ ^ self command: 'diff' ] { #category : #accessing } FossilRepo >> exportHTMLUnversioned [ | htmlFileReferenceFullName | htmlFileReferenceFullName := (self listUnversioned) select: [ :each | each endsWith: '.html' ]. htmlFileReferenceFullName do: [ :each | self exportUnversioned: each ]. ^ htmlFileReferenceFullName ] { #category : #accessing } FossilRepo >> exportSTONUnversioned [ | stonFileReferenceFullName | stonFileReferenceFullName := (self listUnversioned) select: [ :each | each endsWith: '.ston' ]. stonFileReferenceFullName do: [ :each | self exportUnversioned: each ]. ^ stonFileReferenceFullName ] { #category : #accessing } FossilRepo >> exportUnversioned: fileReferenceFullName [ OSSUnixSubprocess new command: 'fossil'; arguments: { 'uv' . 'export' . fileReferenceFullName . fileReferenceFullName }; workingDirectory: self localRoot; redirectStdout; redirectStderr; runAndWaitOnExitDo: [ :process :outString | ^ outString ] ] { #category : #accessing } FossilRepo >> extra [ ^ self command: 'extra' ] { #category : #wiki } FossilRepo >> fetchPage: pageName [ ^ NeoJSONReader fromString: (self jsonWikiDataFor: 'get/', pageName) ] { #category : #accessing } FossilRepo >> firstCheckinFor: testRepoFile [ "Checkins are in reverse order" ^ (self checkinsFor: testRepoFile) last ] { #category : #accessing } FossilRepo >> fossilUv: anArgument and: aSecondArgument [ OSSUnixSubprocess new command: 'fossil'; arguments: { 'uv' . anArgument . aSecondArgument }; workingDirectory: self localRoot; redirectStdout; redirectStderr; runAndWaitOnExitDo: [ :process :outString | ^ outString ] ] { #category : #'as yet unclassified' } FossilRepo >> getFileContentsFor: anEmbeddedDocUrl [ "Given the web page contents for a file, hosted in Fossil, I detect all the standard page decorations (chrome) and strip them to provide only file contents, contained between
 HTML tags.."

	| pageContentLines blockQuoteStart blockQuoteEnd fileContentLines fileContent |
	pageContentLines := (self getPageContentsFor: anEmbeddedDocUrl) lines.
		doWithIndex: [ :line :index | 
			line = '
				ifTrue: [ blockQuoteStart := index ].
			line = '
' ifTrue: [ blockQuoteEnd := index ] ]. fileContentLines := pageContentLines copyFrom: blockQuoteStart + 1 to: blockQuoteEnd - 1. fileContent := WriteStream on: ''. fileContentLines do: [ :line | fileContent nextPutAll: line; crlf ]. ^ fileContent contents. ] { #category : #utilities } FossilRepo >> getPageContentsFor: anEmbeddedDocUrl [ "I use the Fossil web interface to get the contents of a file. I'm useful if the file is posted online, but the repository contents are not locally available. anEmbeddedDocUrl should have the schema presented at: https://www.fossil-scm.org/xfer/doc/trunk/www/embeddeddoc.wiki" ^ (ZnEasy get: anEmbeddedDocUrl, '?mimetype=text/plain') contents. ] { #category : #operation } FossilRepo >> init: absolutePathString [ "I init a repository in a given location." Smalltalk os isWindows ifTrue: [ ^ self ]. absolutePathString asFileReference exists ifTrue: [ ^ self ]. OSSUnixSubprocess new command: self class locateExecutable; arguments: { 'init' . absolutePathString }; workingDirectory: self localRoot; redirectStdout; runAndWaitOnExitDo: [ :process :outString | ^ outString ] ] { #category : #testing } FossilRepo >> isOpen [ self status ifEmpty: [ ^ false ]. ^ true ] { #category : #utilities } FossilRepo >> isUnversioned: aFileNameWithRelativePath [ ^ (aFileNameWithRelativePath beginsWith: 'uv') ] { #category : #utilities } FossilRepo >> jsonDataFor: anUrlSegment [ ^ NeoJSONReader fromString: (self jsonStringFor: anUrlSegment) ] { #category : #querying } FossilRepo >> jsonStringFor: aFileName [ | baseUrl queryForJSONData | baseUrl := self remote copy addPathSegments: #('json' 'finfo'). queryForJSONData := baseUrl queryAt: 'name' put: aFileName. ^ (ZnEasy get: queryForJSONData) contents. ] { #category : #wiki } FossilRepo >> jsonWikiDataFor: anUrlSegment [ ^ ZnClient new get: (self wikiRoot addPathSegment: anUrlSegment); contents. ] { #category : #querying } FossilRepo >> lastHashNumberFor: aFileName [ "I'm useful to see if local versions of files are updated to the last versions of the online repository" ^ (self checkinsFor: aFileName) first at: 'uuid' ] { #category : #utilities } FossilRepo >> lastVersionPath: aFileNameWithRelativePath [ "I dicern if my argument concerns to a versioned or an unversioned file, and return a relative route to the last version of the file in the first case or the unversioned one." (self isUnversioned: aFileNameWithRelativePath) ifTrue: [ ^ '/', aFileNameWithRelativePath ] ifFalse: [ ^ '/doc/tip/', aFileNameWithRelativePath ] ] { #category : #accessing } FossilRepo >> list [ ^ (self command: 'ls') lines collect: [:line | line accentedCharactersCorrection ]. ] { #category : #accessing } FossilRepo >> listSeparatingMardeepFiles [ | lines output markdeepFiles otherFiles | output := OrderedDictionary new. lines := (self command: 'ls') lines. markdeepFiles := lines select: [ :line | line endsWith: '.md.html' ]. otherFiles := lines reject: [ :line | line endsWith: '.md.html']. output at: 'markdeep files' put: {'file reference' -> markdeepFiles . 'url' -> (markdeepFiles collect: [ :ref | ('https://', ((self remote splitOn: '@' ) at: 2), '/doc/trunk/', ref)asUrl ]) } asDictionary. output at: 'other files' put: otherFiles. ^ output ] { #category : #accessing } FossilRepo >> listUnversioned [ ^ (self fossilUv: 'ls' and: '') lines ] { #category : #accessing } FossilRepo >> local [ ^ local ] { #category : #accessing } FossilRepo >> local: aLocalFilePath [ local := aLocalFilePath ] { #category : #accessing } FossilRepo >> localRoot [ local ifNotNil: [ ^ self local fullName ]. ^ self status at: 'local-root:' ] { #category : #authentication } FossilRepo >> loginAs: anUserName withPassword: password [ | jsonData | jsonData := ZnClient new url: (self loginUrlWithName: anUserName andPassword: password); get; contents. ^ NeoJSONReader fromString: jsonData ] { #category : #authentication } FossilRepo >> loginUrlWithName: aUser andPassword: passwd [ ^ self jsonRoot addPathSegment: 'login'; queryAt: 'name' put: aUser; queryAt: 'password' put: passwd. ] { #category : #accessing } FossilRepo >> open [ OSSUnixSubprocess new command: 'fossil'; arguments: { 'open' . self repository. '-f' }; workingDirectory: self localRoot; redirectStdout; redirectStderr; runAndWaitOnExitDo: [ :process :outString | ^ outString ] ] { #category : #accessing } FossilRepo >> openAndUpdate [ ^ self open; update ] { #category : #wiki } FossilRepo >> pageList [ ^ NeoJSONReader fromString: (self jsonWikiDataFor: 'list') ] { #category : #accessing } FossilRepo >> printOn: aStream [ super initialize. aStream nextPutAll: 'Repository: ', self remote asString ] { #category : #authentication } FossilRepo >> rawCapabilities [ ^ NeoJSONReader fromString: (self jsonDataFor: 'cap') ] { #category : #accessing } FossilRepo >> remote [ ^ remote "TO DEBUG: Capture the context of this assignation without damaging the generaly of the accessor for other cases." ":= (self command: 'remote') copyWithout: Character lf" ] { #category : #accessing } FossilRepo >> remote: anUrlString [ anUrlString ifNil: [ remote := anUrlString ] ifNotNil: [ remote := anUrlString asUrl ] ] { #category : #accessing } FossilRepo >> renameFrom: currentName to: newName [ ^ self renameFrom: currentName to: newName inSubfolder: self localRoot ] { #category : #accessing } FossilRepo >> renameFrom: currentName to: newName inSubfolder: aFolder [ OSSUnixSubprocess new command: 'fossil'; arguments: { 'rename'. currentName basename. newName basename}; workingDirectory: aFolder fullName; redirectStdout; redirectStderr; runAndWaitOnExitDo: [ :process :outString | ^ outString ] ] { #category : #accessing } FossilRepo >> repository [ repository ifNotNil: [ ^ repository ]. self isOpen ifFalse: [ ^ nil ]. ^ repository := self status at: 'repository'. ] { #category : #accessing } FossilRepo >> repository: aFossilRepoFile [ repository := aFossilRepoFile "fullName" ] { #category : #operation } FossilRepo >> revert: aRelativeFilePath [ "I add a file to the working Fossil repository, given that both, the file and the repositor, share the same root directory/folder." OSSUnixSubprocess new command: self class locateExecutable; arguments: { 'revert' . aRelativeFilePath }; workingDirectory: self localRoot; redirectStdout; runAndWaitOnExitDo: [ :process :outString | ^ outString ] ] { #category : #accessing } FossilRepo >> revertRemoteUnversioned [ OSSUnixSubprocess new command: 'fossil'; arguments: { 'uv' . 'revert' }; workingDirectory: self localRoot; redirectStdout; redirectStderr; runAndWaitOnExitDo: [ :process :outString | ^ outString ] ] { #category : #utilities } FossilRepo >> sanitize: aFileNameWithRelativePath [ "I dicern if my argument concerns to a versioned or an unversioned file, and return a relative path to put the file." (self isUnversioned: aFileNameWithRelativePath) ifFalse: [ ^ aFileNameWithRelativePath ] ifTrue: [ ^ (aFileNameWithRelativePath copyFrom: 4 to: aFileNameWithRelativePath size) ] ] { #category : #accessing } FossilRepo >> status [ | status output missing edited added | status := self command: 'status'. output := OrderedDictionary new. status linesDo: [ :line | | k v temp commitLog | commitLog := OrderedCollection new. temp := line splitOn: ': '. temp size = 2 ifTrue: [ k := temp first. v := temp second trimmed. output at: k put: v ] ifFalse: [ commitLog add: line ]. output at: 'commitLog' put: commitLog ]. edited := status lines select: [ :line | line beginsWith: 'EDITED' ]. output at: 'edited' put: (edited collect: [ :line | (line withoutPrefix: 'EDITED') trimmed accentedCharactersCorrection ]). added := status lines select: [ :line | line beginsWith: 'ADDED' ]. output at: 'added' put: (added collect: [ :line | (line withoutPrefix: 'ADDED') trimmed accentedCharactersCorrection ]). missing := status lines select: [ :line | line beginsWith: 'MISSING' ]. output at: 'missing' put: (missing collect: [ :line | (line withoutPrefix: 'MISSING') trimmed accentedCharactersCorrection ]). ^ output ] { #category : #accessing } FossilRepo >> syncUnversioned [ ^ self fossilUv: 'sync' and: '-v' ] { #category : #accessing } FossilRepo >> update [ ^ self command: 'update' ] { #category : #accessing } FossilRepo >> uuidFor: relativeFilePath [ ^ (self firstCheckinFor: relativeFilePath) at: 'uuid' ] { #category : #authentication } FossilRepo >> whoAmI [ ^ NeoJSONReader fromString: (self jsonDataFor: 'whoami') ] { #category : #wiki } FossilRepo >> wikiRoot [ ^ self remote addPathSegments: #('json' 'wiki') "addPathSegment: 'wiki' " ] { #category : #wiki } FossilRepo >> wikiTimeline [ ^ NeoJSONReader fromString: (self jsonWikiDataFor: 'timeline') ]