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The `External` tag is related on its dependency on other programming languages and frameworks,
though the dependency should be loaded by just loading a small binary with no dependencies.
Class {
#name : #YQ,
#superclass : #Object,
#category : #'ExoRepo-External'
{ #category : #accessing }
YQ class >> binaryDownloadLinkFor: operativeSystem on: processor [
| binaryName binaryDownloadData |
binaryName := 'yq_', operativeSystem , '_', processor.
binaryDownloadData := ((self lastReleaseData at: 'assets')
select: [:each | (each at: 'name') beginsWith: binaryName ]) first.
^ binaryDownloadData at: 'browser_download_url'
{ #category : #accessing }
YQ class >> binaryFile [
"Starting with location on Arch Linux and its derivates. Multidistro and multiOS support should be added."
Smalltalk os isWindows ifFalse: [^ FileLocator root / 'usr/bin/yq'].
^ FileLocator home / 'scoop/shims/yq.exe'
{ #category : #accessing }
YQ class >> install [
^ self lastReleaseData
{ #category : #accessing }
YQ class >> jsonToYaml: aDictionary [
| jsonFile |
self binaryFile exists ifFalse: [ YQ install].
jsonFile := MarkupFile exportAsFileOn: FileLocator temp / 'data.json' containing: aDictionary.
(Smalltalk os isUnix or: [ Smalltalk os isMacOS ])
ifTrue: [
OSSUnixSubprocess new
shellCommand: 'cat ', jsonFile fullName,' | yq -y';
runAndWaitOnExitDo: [ :command :outString |
^ outString
Smalltalk os isWindows
ifTrue: [ ^ LibC resultOfCommand: 'yq -p=json ', jsonFile fullName ].
{ #category : #accessing }
YQ class >> lastReleaseData [
fromString: 'https://api.github.com/repos/mikefarah/yq/releases' asUrl retrieveContents) first