Class { #name : #ExoRepo, #superclass : #Object, #instVars : [ 'repository' ], #category : #ExoRepo } { #category : #accessing } ExoRepo class >> index [ "I list a set of external recommended repositories from the Grafoscopio community, in installation order." | reposIndex repositoryAddresses| repositoryAddresses := #('' '' '' '' ''). reposIndex := OrderedCollection new. repositoryAddresses do: [:adress | reposIndex add: (ExoRepo new repository: adress) ]. ^ reposIndex ] { #category : #accessing } ExoRepo class >> install: shortNameString [ | repo | repo := self index detect: [:current | current repositoryName = shortNameString ] ifNone: [ ^ 'ERROR!: No repository named "', shortNameString, '". Please run ExoRepo index to list know repositories or load your own repository with: ExoRepo new repository: {repositoryAddres}; load. replacing "{repositoryAddres}" with a Git public repository' ]. ^ repo load ] { #category : #accessing } ExoRepo >> load [ "I load the configuration of this package using a external Gitea repository." "While more Git independient providers are implemented in Monticello, I will use Iceberg to download the repository and load it from a local directory" | localRepo repoName count | repoName := self repositoryName. self local exists ifFalse: [ (IceRepositoryCreator new location: self local; remote: (IceGitRemote url: self repository greaseString , '.git'); createRepository) register ]. localRepo := 'gitlocal://' , self local fullName. count := 1. [ true ] whileTrue: [ [ ^ Metacello new repository: localRepo; baseline: repoName; onConflictUseLoaded; onWarningLog; load ] on: IceGenericError do: [ :ex | Notification signal: (String with: Character cr) , ex description , (String with: Character cr) , 'RETRYING ' , count greaseString. (Delay forSeconds: 2) wait. ex retry ]. count := count + 1 ] ] { #category : #accessing } ExoRepo >> local [ ^ FileLocator localDirectory / 'iceberg' / (self provider) / self repositoryName ] { #category : #accessing } ExoRepo >> printOn: aStream [ super initialize. aStream nextPutAll: self repositoryName, ' | ', self repository asString ] { #category : #accessing } ExoRepo >> provider [ self repository ifNil: [ ^ nil ]. ^ self repository segments first ] { #category : #accessing } ExoRepo >> repository [ ^ repository. ] { #category : #accessing } ExoRepo >> repository: aString [ repository := aString asZnUrl ] { #category : #accessing } ExoRepo >> repositoryName [ self repository ifNil: [ ^ self ]. ^ self repository segments second ] { #category : #accessing } ExoRepo >> wiki [ ^ (self local / 'wiki') ensureCreateDirectory. ]