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An UbakyeExplorer is a graphical interface for showing trees and outlines.
Instance Variables
browser: <Object>
- xxxxx
Class {
#name : #GrafoscopioBrowser,
#superclass : #Object,
#instVars : [
#classVars : [
#category : #'Grafoscopio-UI'
{ #category : #'as yet unclassified' }
GrafoscopioBrowser class >> open [
^ self new open
{ #category : #'as yet unclassified' }
GrafoscopioBrowser class >> openLandscape [
^ self new openLandscape
{ #category : #'graphical interface' }
GrafoscopioBrowser >> bodyOn: constructor [
"Shows the body of a selected node"
(constructor text)
title: 'Cuerpo | Body ';
format:[:eachNode |
(eachNode body) isNil
ifTrue: [ '' ]
ifFalse: [ eachNode body]].
{ #category : #'graphical interface' }
GrafoscopioBrowser >> buildBrowser [
"Main method for building the interface for trees. Is getting long. Needs refactoring"
browser := GLMTabulator new
title: 'Grafoscopio'.
column: #tree span: 2;
column: [ :c |
c row: #nodeBody span: 2;
row: #nodeHeader ] span: 4.
updateOn: GLMItemAdded from: #yourself;
updateOn: GLMItemRemoved from: #yourself.
(browser transmit)
to: #tree;
andShow: [:a | self treeOn: a].
"Creating a self updatable body pane"
(browser transmit)
to: #nodeBody;
from: #tree;
andShow: [ :a | self bodyOn: a].
(browser transmit )
from: #tree port: #selection;
from: #nodeBody port: #text;
when: [:node :text | text notNil];
to: #nodeBody port: #neverland;
transformed: [:node :text | node body: text asString].
(browser transmit)
from: #tree;
to: #nodeHeader;
andShow: [ :h | self headerOn: h ].
(browser transmit )
from: #tree port: #selection;
from: #nodeHeader port: #text;
when: [:node :text | text notNil];
to: #nodeHeader port: #neverland1;
transformed: [:node :text | node header: text asString]
{ #category : #'graphical interface' }
GrafoscopioBrowser >> buildBrowserLandscape [
browser := GLMTabulator new
title: 'Grafoscopio'.
column: #tree span: 3;
column: #body span: 3;
column: #code span: 3.
updateOn: GLMItemAdded from: #yourself;
updateOn: GLMItemRemoved from: #yourself.
(browser transmit)
to: #tree;
andShow: [ :a |
(a tree) "Layout"
title: mainTree header;
children: [ :eachNode |
(eachNode children) isNil
ifTrue: [ #() ]
ifFalse:[ eachNode children ] ];
format:[:eachNode |
(eachNode header) isNil
ifTrue: [ '' ]
ifFalse: [ eachNode header ]];
"Adding nodes"
act: [:treePresentation |
(treePresentation selection) isNotNil
ifTrue: [treePresentation selection addNodeAfter].
treePresentation update]
icon: GLMUIThemeExtraIcons glamorousZoomIn
entitled: 'Add node';
"Removing nodes"
act: [:treePresentation |
(treePresentation selection isNotNil)
ifTrue: [(treePresentation selection parent)
removeNode: treePresentation selection]
ifFalse: [treePresentation entity removeLast].
treePresentation update]
icon: GLMUIThemeExtraIcons glamorousZoomOut
entitled: 'Remove node';
"Inspecting nodes, for debugging purposes, DISABLE THIS ON PRODUCTION"
act: [:treePresentation | treePresentation selection inspect ]
icon: GLMUIThemeExtraIcons glamorousInspect
entitled: 'Inspect selection';
"Move nodes in the same hierarchy"
act: [:treePresentation |
(treePresentation selection isNotNil)
ifTrue: [treePresentation selection moveBefore].
treePresentation update]
icon: GLMUIThemeExtraIcons glamorousUp
entitled: 'Move node up';
act: [:treePresentation |
(treePresentation selection isNotNil)
ifTrue: [treePresentation selection moveAfter].
treePresentation update]
icon: GLMUIThemeExtraIcons glamorousDown
entitled: 'Move node down';
act: [:treePresentation |
(treePresentation selection isNotNil)
ifTrue: [treePresentation selection promote].
treePresentation update]
icon: GLMUIThemeExtraIcons glamorousLeft
entitled: 'Move node left';
act: [:treePresentation |
(treePresentation selection isNotNil)
ifTrue: [treePresentation selection demote].
treePresentation update]
icon: GLMUIThemeExtraIcons glamorousRight
entitled: 'Move node left'.
(browser transmit)
to: #body;
from: #tree;
andShow: [ :a |
(a text)
title: 'Original';
format:[:eachNode |
(eachNode body) isNil
ifTrue: [ '' ]
ifFalse: [ eachNode body ]]].
(browser transmit)
to: #code;
andShow: [ :a |
a smalltalkCode
title: 'Transmediado';
populate: #acceptedCode
icon: GLMUIThemeExtraIcons glamorousAccept
on: $s entitled: 'Accept' with: [:text | text text ]].
{ #category : #bibliography }
GrafoscopioBrowser >> customKeys [
"Replaces the default key in a BibTeX file for a custom key taken from the 'shorttitle' field.
Useful when autogenerated BibTeX has cryptic or non easy to memorize keys (for example in some
Zotero exports)"
| bibFile bibliography |
bibFile := ((workingFile parent) children
detect: [:each | each basename endsWith: 'bib' ] ifNone: [ ]).
bibFile ifNotNil:
[ bibliography := CZBibParser parse: (bibFile contents).
1 to: (bibliography size) do: [:index |
(((bibliography entries at: index) fields at: 2) key = 'shorttitle')
ifTrue: [
(bibliography entries at: index)
key: ((bibliography entries at: index) fields at: 2) value ]]].
{ #category : #persistence }
GrafoscopioBrowser >> exportAsMarkdown: aTree on: locator [
locator writeStreamDo: [:stream | stream nextPutAll: aTree asMarkdown]
{ #category : #persistence }
GrafoscopioBrowser >> exportAsSton: aTree on: locator [
locator nextPutAll: (STON toStringPretty: aTree children)
{ #category : #'graphical interface' }
GrafoscopioBrowser >> headerOn: constructor [
"Shows the body of a selected node"
(constructor text)
title: 'Cabecera | Header ';
format:[:eachNode |
(eachNode header) isNil
ifTrue: [ '' ]
ifFalse: [ eachNode header]].
{ #category : #persistence }
GrafoscopioBrowser >> open [
"Opens a new browser with a default tree and assigns a default draft file for storing it.
This is changed when the file is saved with the 'Save as' menu option"
| draftsLocation |
self buildBrowser.
mainTree := GrafoscopioNode new.
mainTree becomeDefaultTree.
draftsLocation := FileSystem disk workingDirectory / 'Drafts'.
draftsLocation ensureCreateDirectory.
workingFile := draftsLocation / 'draft.ston'.
browser openOn: mainTree children.
{ #category : #persistence }
GrafoscopioBrowser >> openDefault [
"Opens a new browser with a default tree"
self buildBrowser.
mainTree := GrafoscopioNode new.
mainTree becomeDefaultTree.
browser openOn: mainTree children.
{ #category : #persistence }
GrafoscopioBrowser >> openFromFile [
"Opens a tree from a file. Maybe this should be integrated with the 'open' method"
| fileStream currentChildren |
self buildBrowser.
fileStream := UITheme builder
fileOpen: 'Elija un archivo .ston'
extensions: #('ston').
fileStream isNil ifTrue: [ ^nil ].
workingFile := fileStream name asFileReference.
currentChildren := (STON fromStream: fileStream).
mainTree := GrafoscopioNode new
header: 'Bootstrapping the research object';
level: 0.
mainTree children: currentChildren.
browser openOn: mainTree children.
{ #category : #'as yet unclassified' }
GrafoscopioBrowser >> openLandscape [
"Opens a new browser with a default tree in landscape mode"
self buildBrowserLandscape.
mainTree := GrafoscopioNode new.
mainTree becomeDefaultTree.
browser openOn: mainTree children.
{ #category : #persistence }
GrafoscopioBrowser >> openLast [
"Opens a new browser with a fixed 'last' working tree. May be this should be changed"
| workingFile currentChildren| "workingChildren would sound too cruel!"
self buildBrowser.
workingFile := '/home/offray/Documentos/U/Libertadores/Grafoscopio/bootstrapping-objeto-investigacion.ston' asFileReference readStream.
currentChildren := (STON fromStream: workingFile).
mainTree := GrafoscopioNode new
header: 'Bootstrapping the research object';
level: 0.
mainTree children: currentChildren.
browser openOn: mainTree children.
{ #category : #persistence }
GrafoscopioBrowser >> openWorking [
"Opens a new browser with the last working tree"
self buildBrowser.
mainTree := '/home/offray/Documentos/U/Libertadores/Grafoscopio/bootstrapping-objeto-investigacion.ston' asFileReference readStream.
browser openOn: mainTree children.
{ #category : #persistence }
GrafoscopioBrowser >> saveToFile [
"Saves the current tree to a file"
| file writeStream |
file := UITheme builder
fileSave: 'Guardar archivo como...'
extensions: #('ston')
path: nil.
file ifNil: [ self inform: 'Exportación cancelada'. ^ self ].
writeStream := file writeStream.
workingFile := writeStream name asFileReference.
[ self exportAsSton: mainTree on: writeStream ]
ensure: [ writeStream ifNotNil: #close ]
{ #category : #persistence }
GrafoscopioBrowser >> saveWorkingTree [
"Saves the current tree to the user predefined file location used when he/she opened it."
| fileStream markdownFile |
fileStream := workingFile writeStream.
markdownFile := (workingFile parent) / (workingFile basenameWithoutExtension, '.markdown').
[ self exportAsSton: mainTree on: fileStream.
self exportAsMarkdown: mainTree on: markdownFile ]
ensure: [ fileStream ifNotNil: #close.].
self customKeys.
self inform: 'Archivo Guardado'.
{ #category : #'graphical interface' }
GrafoscopioBrowser >> treeOn: constructor [
"Shows the correspondent tree of a node"
(constructor tree) "Layout"
title: mainTree header;
children: [ :eachNode |
(eachNode children) isNil
ifTrue: [ #() ]
ifFalse:[ eachNode children ] ];
format:[:eachNode |
(eachNode header) isNil
ifTrue: [ '' ]
ifFalse: [ eachNode header ]];
"Adding nodes"
act: [:treePresentation |
(treePresentation selection) isNotNil
ifTrue: [treePresentation selection addNodeAfter].
treePresentation update]
icon: GLMUIThemeExtraIcons glamorousZoomIn
entitled: 'Add node';
"Removing nodes"
act: [:treePresentation |
(treePresentation selection isNotNil)
ifTrue: [(treePresentation selection parent)
removeNode: treePresentation selection]
ifFalse: [treePresentation entity removeLast].
treePresentation update]
icon: GLMUIThemeExtraIcons glamorousZoomOut
entitled: 'Remove node';
"Move nodes in the same hierarchy"
act: [:treePresentation |
(treePresentation selection isNotNil)
ifTrue: [treePresentation selection moveBefore].
treePresentation update]
icon: GLMUIThemeExtraIcons glamorousUp
entitled: 'Move node up';
act: [:treePresentation |
(treePresentation selection isNotNil)
ifTrue: [treePresentation selection moveAfter].
treePresentation update]
icon: GLMUIThemeExtraIcons glamorousDown
entitled: 'Move node down';
act: [:treePresentation |
(treePresentation selection isNotNil)
ifTrue: [treePresentation selection promote].
treePresentation update]
icon: GLMUIThemeExtraIcons glamorousLeft
entitled: 'Move node left';
act: [:treePresentation |
(treePresentation selection isNotNil)
ifTrue: [treePresentation selection demote].
treePresentation update]
icon: GLMUIThemeExtraIcons glamorousRight
entitled: 'Move node rigt';
act: [self saveWorkingTree]
icon: GLMUIThemeExtraIcons glamorousSave
entitled: 'Save current tree';
"Menu options"
act: [ GrafoscopioBrowser new openFromFile] entitled: 'Abrir/Cargar ...';
act: [self saveToFile] entitled: 'Guardar como ...';
act: [self updateSystem] entitled: 'Actualizar Grafoscopio';
act: [:x | x printString inspect] entitled: 'Acerca de...'.
{ #category : #'as yet unclassified' }
GrafoscopioBrowser >> updateSystem [
"Updates the system with new versions of itself take from the source code repository"
Gofer new
smalltalkhubUser: 'SvenVanCaekenberghe' project: 'STON';
package: 'STON-Core';
Gofer new squeaksource: 'Citezen';
package: 'ConfigurationOfCitezen';
(ConfigurationOfCitezen project latestVersion: #development) load.
Gofer new
smalltalkhubUser: 'Offray' project: 'Grafoscopio';
package: 'Grafoscopio';