" I model a widget to be put, generally in a HTML view of a website. " Class { #name : #BreaWidget, #superclass : #Object, #instVars : [ 'source', 'views' ], #category : #Brea } { #category : #accessing } BreaWidget >> exportViewsTo: aFolder [ self shouldBeImplemented ] { #category : #'data visualization' } BreaWidget >> piechartFor: dataArray titled: aString colored: aPalette [ "I create a pie chart for a subset of the data stored in a dataArray, which is an Association of keys and values. aselector should be a message undestood by the dataArray." | b lb | b := RTPieBuilder new. b interaction popup. b objects: dataArray. b slice: #value. b labeled. "And add the legend" lb := RTLegendBuilder new. lb view: b view. lb addText: aString. lb build. ^ b ] { #category : #'data visualization' } BreaWidget >> piechartFor: dataArray using: aSelector titled: aString colored: aPalette [ "I create a pie chart for a subset of the data stored in a dataArray, which is an Association of keys and values. aselector should be a message undestood by the dataArray." | b lb | b := RTPieBuilder new. b interaction popup. b objects: dataArray. b slice: aSelector. b labeled. "And add the legend" lb := RTLegendBuilder new. lb view: b view. lb addText: 'Asitentes a talleres'. lb build. ^ b ] { #category : #accessing } BreaWidget >> source [ ^ source ] { #category : #accessing } BreaWidget >> source: aUrl [ source := aUrl ] { #category : #accessing } BreaWidget >> sourceAsJSON [ ^ NeoJSONReader fromString: self source asUrl retrieveContents ] { #category : #accessing } BreaWidget >> views [ ^ views ifNil: [ views := Dictionary new ] ] { #category : #accessing } BreaWidget >> views: anObject [ views := anObject ]