Class { #name : #GrafoscopioDisplayScanner2, #superclass : #Object, #instVars : [ 'text', 'textStyle', 'foregroundColor', 'backgroundColor', 'fillBlt', 'ignoreColorChanges', 'bitBlt' ], #category : #'Grafoscopio-Rub' } { #category : #private } GrafoscopioDisplayScanner2 >> displayLine: line offset: offset leftInRun2: leftInRun [ fillBlt == nil ifFalse: [ "Not right" fillBlt destX: line left destY: 100 width: 300 height: 30; copyBits ]. ^ line display: text on: bitBlt with: offset using: textStyle ] { #category : #private } GrafoscopioDisplayScanner2 >> displayLine: line offset: offset leftInRun: leftInRun [ fillBlt == nil ifFalse: [ "Not right" fillBlt destX: line left destY: 100 width: 300 height: 30; copyBits ]. ^ line display: text on: bitBlt with: offset using: textStyle ] { #category : #'reflective operations' } GrafoscopioDisplayScanner2 >> doesNotUnderstand: something [ self halt. ] { #category : #'as yet unclassified' } GrafoscopioDisplayScanner2 >> setPort: aBitBlt [ "Install the BitBlt to use" bitBlt := aBitBlt. bitBlt sourceX: 0; width: 0. "Init BitBlt so that the first call to a primitive will not fail" bitBlt sourceForm: nil. "Make sure font installation won't be confused" ] { #category : #private } GrafoscopioDisplayScanner2 >> text: t textStyle: ts foreground: foreColor background: backColor fillBlt: blt ignoreColorChanges: shadowMode [ text := t. textStyle := ts. foregroundColor := foreColor. fillBlt := blt. (backgroundColor := backColor) isTransparent ifFalse: [ fillBlt fillColor: backgroundColor ]. ignoreColorChanges := shadowMode ]