" I test the main functionality of the GrafoscopioNode class. " Class { #name : #GrafoscopioNodeTest, #superclass : #TestCase, #category : #'Grafoscopio-Model' } { #category : #tests } GrafoscopioNodeTest >> dummyHtml [ | txt | txt := ' '. ^ txt ] { #category : #tests } GrafoscopioNodeTest >> newTestTree [ | node0 node1 node2 node3 node4 | node0 := GrafoscopioNode new created: DateAndTime now printString; header: 'Arbol principal'. node1 := GrafoscopioNode new created: DateAndTime now printString; header: 'Markup'; body: 'I am just a node with markup'; tagAs: 'text'; links: 'temp.md'. node2 := GrafoscopioNode new created: DateAndTime now printString; header: '%output Code'; tagAs: 'código'; body: '(ConfigurationOfGrafoscopio>>#version14:) sourceCode'. node3 := GrafoscopioNode new created: DateAndTime now printString; header: '%invisible'; tagAs: 'text'; body: 'Just testing'. node1 addNode: node3. node4 := GrafoscopioNode new created: DateAndTime now printString; header: 'Something'; tagAs: 'text'; body: '


'. node1 addNode: node4. node1 addNode: node2. node0 addNode: node1. ^ node0 ] { #category : #tests } GrafoscopioNodeTest >> testAddingChildren [ | tree nnode orig | tree := self newTestTree. nnode := GrafoscopioNode new. orig := tree children size. tree addNode: nnode. self assert: tree children size equals: orig + 1. ] { #category : #tests } GrafoscopioNodeTest >> testDemoteNode [ | tree child1 child2 | tree := GrafoscopioNode new. child1 := GrafoscopioNode new. child2 := GrafoscopioNode new. tree addNode: child1; addNode: child2. child2 demote. self assert: child2 level equals: child1 level + 1 ] { #category : #tests } GrafoscopioNodeTest >> testFindAndReplace [ | tree | tree := GrafoscopioNode new. tree body: 'I''m only a test node.'. tree find: 'only' andReplaceWith: 'JUST'. self assert: (tree body findString: 'JUST') > 0. ] { #category : #tests } GrafoscopioNodeTest >> testHasMarkdownSubtreesToExport [ "Because becomeDefaultTestTree contains at least one non empty 'links' object that points to a relative path in the file system, ending in '.md' or '.markdown' the result of this test is true. Please see look #becomeDefaultTestTree message to see the details that makes this test true." | tree | tree := self newTestTree. self assert: tree selectMarkupSubtreesToExport isNotEmpty equals: true. ] { #category : #tests } GrafoscopioNodeTest >> testInitializeIsOk [ self shouldnt: [ GrafoscopioNode new ] raise: Error ] { #category : #tests } GrafoscopioNodeTest >> testPromoteNode [ | tree child1 child2 | tree := GrafoscopioNode new. child1 := GrafoscopioNode new. child2 := GrafoscopioNode new. tree addNode: child1. child1 addNode: child2. child2 promote. self assert: child2 level equals: child1 level ] { #category : #'tests-utility' } GrafoscopioNodeTest >> testRemoveLeadingLineNumbersSized [ | copiedCode testNode | copiedCode := ' 1var tree = d3.layout.tree() 2 .sort(null) 3 .size([size.height, size.width - maxLabelLength*options.fontSize]) 4 .children(function(d) 5 { 6 return (!d.contents || d.contents.length === 0) ? null : d.contents; 7 }); 8 9var nodes = tree.nodes(treeData); 10var links = tree.links(nodes); 11 '. testNode := GrafoscopioNode new body: copiedCode. testNode removeLeadingLineNumbersSized: 3. self assert: testNode body equals: ' var tree = d3.layout.tree() .sort(null) .size([size.height, size.width - maxLabelLength*options.fontSize]) .children(function(d) { return (!d.contents || d.contents.length === 0) ? null : d.contents; }); var nodes = tree.nodes(treeData); var links = tree.links(nodes); ' ] { #category : #tests } GrafoscopioNodeTest >> testRemovingChildren [ | tree orig | tree := self newTestTree.. orig := tree children size. orig > 0 ifTrue: [ tree removeNode: (tree children at: 1) ]. self assert: tree children size equals: orig - 1. ] { #category : #tests } GrafoscopioNodeTest >> testSanitizedLink [ | node link | link := 'docutopia://hackbo:hackbot'. node := GrafoscopioNode new links: link. self assert: (node sanitizeDefaultLink = 'https://docutopia.tupale.co/hackbo:hackbot') equals: true ]