" I provide functionality to add data to some instances of the Etico package. " Class { #name : #EtiWeb, #superclass : #Object, #category : #'Etico-WebSite' } { #category : #'as yet unclassified' } EtiWeb class >> addAgentForm: request [ | input page | input := request uri queryAt: #input ifAbsent: [ 'Entrada' ]. page := ZnHtmlOutputStream streamContents: [ :html | html page: 'Entrada sencilla' do: [ html tag: #form attributes: #(#action 'form-test-1' 'accept-charset' 'utf-8' method GET) do: [ html str: 'Entrada'; space; tag: #input attributes: { #type. #input. #name. #input. #value. input }; space; tag: #input attributes: #(type submit); str: 'La entrada fue:'; space; tag: #em with: input] ] ] ]