Class { #name : #GrafoscopioTrunkNode, #superclass : #GrafoscopioAbstractNode, #instVars : [ 'children' ], #category : #'Grafoscopio-Model' } { #category : #testing } GrafoscopioTrunkNode class >> isAbstract [ ^ self = GrafoscopioTrunkNode ] { #category : #accessing } GrafoscopioTrunkNode >> children [ "Returns the receivers list of children" ^ children ifNil: [ children := OrderedCollection new ] ] { #category : #accessing } GrafoscopioTrunkNode >> children: aCollection [ "Sets the receivers children" aCollection do: [:currentNode | currentNode parent: self ]. children := aCollection. ] { #category : #accessing } GrafoscopioTrunkNode >> isLeaf [ ^ false ] { #category : #movement } GrafoscopioTrunkNode >> moveDown: aNode [ | index | "Moves the current node a place before in the children collection where is located" index := (children indexOf: aNode) max: 1 . children swap: index with: (index + 1 min: children size) ] { #category : #movement } GrafoscopioTrunkNode >> moveUp: aNode [ | index | "Moves the current node a place before in the children collection where is located" index := children indexOf: aNode. children swap: index with: (index - 1 max: 1) ]