" I'm used to help in the citizen oversight of public spending. I load scrapped information of public Government sites (starting with Colombian ones) and help in its understanding by providing visualizations and other techniques. " Class { #name : #OpenSpending, #superclass : #Object, #instVars : [ 'contractsData' ], #category : #'Dataviz-OpenSpending' } { #category : #accessing } OpenSpending >> contractsData [ ^ contractsData ] { #category : #accessing } OpenSpending >> contractsData: anObject [ contractsData := anObject ] { #category : #'data import' } OpenSpending >> listSectors [ "I import data from aFile storaged in Comma Separated Values (CSV) format. Is supposed that they're taken from a query that contains ths contracting sectors according to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UNSPSC" | queryResults dbSectorsClassifier | dbSectorsClassifier := FileLocator documents / 'DataWeek' / 'clasificador.csv'. queryResults := (RTTabTable new input: dbSectorsClassifier contents usingDelimiter: $,) values. "table removeFirstRow. self contractsData: table." ^ queryResults ] { #category : #'data import' } OpenSpending >> loadDataFromCSV: aFile usingDelimiter: aCharacter [ "I import data from aFile storaged in Comma Separated Values (CSV) format. Is supposed that they're taken from a query that sums the sectors of the economy" | table | table := RTTabTable new input: aFile contents usingDelimiter: aCharacter. table removeFirstRow. self contractsData: table. ] { #category : #'as yet unclassified' } OpenSpending >> showTreeMap [ "I show a treemap visualization of my contract data" | builder popup sectors subtotals | popup := RTPopup new. sectors := self contractsData valuesOfColumn: 1. subtotals := self contractsData valuesOfColumn: 2. popup text: [:index | (sectors at: index), String cr, (subtotals at: index) ]. builder := RTTreeMapBuilder new. builder shape color: [:n | Color random]. builder from: (1 to: (self contractsData numberOfRows)) using: [#()]. builder weight: [:n | (self contractsData valuesOfColumn: 2) at: n ]. builder build. builder view elements @ popup. ^ builder view. ]