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Raw Normal View History

I define the documentation for the Dataviz package.
Class {
#name : #DatavizDocs,
#superclass : #GrafoscopioDocumentation,
#category : #Dataviz
{ #category : #initialization }
DatavizDocs >> initialize [
super initialize.
name := 'dataviz'.
repository := (FossilRepo new remote: '').
localPlace := FileLocator workingDirectory asFileReference /'Grafoscopio'.
self documents
add: 'Packages/Dataviz/dataviz.ston'.
{ #category : #operation }
DatavizDocs >> openIntroNotebook [
"I'm just an alias to ease the operation. I need to know wich is the index of the notebook
I want to open, as defined on initialize method"
self openNotebookAt: 1.