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2020-03-30 17:02:46 +00:00
Class {
#name : #GrafoscopioPillarUIBuilder,
#superclass : #PRVisitor,
#instVars : [
#category : #'Grafoscopio-Pillar'
{ #category : #'as yet unclassified' }
GrafoscopioPillarUIBuilder class >> openExample [
^ self new
build: self pillarExample;
{ #category : #'as yet unclassified' }
GrafoscopioPillarUIBuilder class >> pillarExample [
^ PRPillarParser
'!! About Pillar
Pillar is a system to manage documents (books, presentations, and web sites). From a common format, it is able to generate documents in multiple formats (html, markdown, latex, AsciiDoc).
It is composed of several modules such as importers, transformers, document model and outputers.
This book describes Pillar in its current version 7.0. Pillar is currently developed and masintained by Stéphane Ducasse and Guillermo Polito.
The original author of Pillar was Damien Cassou. Many people have also contributed to Pillar: Ben Coman, Guillermo Polito, Lukas Renggli (original author of the PierCMS from which a first version of Pillar has been extracted), Benjamin van Ryseghem, Cyril Ferlicot-Delbecque, Thibault Arloing, Yann Dubois, Quentin Ducasse and Asbathou Sama Biyalou. Special thanks to Asbathou Sama Biyalou!
This book adapts, extends, and clarifies the chapter explaining Pillar in the ''Enterprise Pharo: a Web Perspective'' book.
Pillar was sponsored by *ESUG>*.
Pillar (hosted at **) is a markup language and associated tools to write and generate documentation, books (such as this one), web sites, and slide-based presentations. The Pillar screenshot in Figure *@voyageDocExample* shows the HTML version of chapter Voyage.
+An example Pillar output>file://figures/voyageDocExample-small.png|label=voyageDocExample|width=60+
Pillar has many features, helpful tools, and documentation:
- simple markup syntax with references, tables, pictures, captions, syntax-highlighted code blocks;
- export documents to HTML, LaTeX, Markdown, AsciiDoc, ePuB and Pillar itself, and presentations to Beamer and Deck.js;
%- customization of the export through a dedicated STON configuration file (see chapter Missing Chapter *@cha:ston*) and Mustache templates (see chapter *@templating*).
- many tests with good coverage (94% with more than a 2100 executed tests), which are regularly run by a *continuous integration job>*
- a command-line interface and dedicated plugins for several text editors: *Emacs>*, *Vim>*, *TextMate>*, and *Atom>*
- a cheat sheet (see Chapter *@chacheat*).
!!!Pillar users
This book was written in Pillar itself. If you want to see how Pillar is used, have a look at its source code (**), or check the following other real-world projects:
- the Updated Pharo by Example book (**),
- the Pharo MOOC - Massive open online course (**,
- Any of the Pharo booklets (**,
- the PillarHub open-access shared blog (**).
!!! Pillar future features
Pillar 70 saw some major refactorings and cleaning: it does not rely on Grease and Magritte anymore.
Its architecture is a lot cleaner.
Still some issues are missing. Here is a little list of features that we are working on or will soon:
- Incremental recompilation. Since we remove the use of make (so that Windows users can use Pillar) we should introduce a way to avoid to recompile complete book when just one chapter changed.
- Markdown syntax.
- Release of Ecstatic. Pillar supports the deployment of web sites named Ecstatic and we are working on a second version of Ecstatic.
- Better table support.
!!! Conclusion
Pillar is still in active development: maintainers keep improving its implementation. The current version of Pillar is Pillar 70. This booklet only documents Pillar 70. This booklet will be synchronised with future enhancements.'
{ #category : #'as yet unclassified' }
GrafoscopioPillarUIBuilder >> build: aPRDocument [
stack := Stack new.
aPRDocument accept: self.
{ #category : #'as yet unclassified' }
GrafoscopioPillarUIBuilder >> openWithSpec [
document openWithSpec.
{ #category : #'as yet unclassified' }
GrafoscopioPillarUIBuilder >> visitDocument: aDocument [
document ifNotNil: [ self error: 'whut?' ].
document := SpTextPresenter new.
super visitDocument: aDocument
{ #category : #'as yet unclassified' }
GrafoscopioPillarUIBuilder >> visitHeader: aHeader [
aHeader level